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Healing, Damage and Experise


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I've been trying understand expertises effect on damage and healing in PvP and I just can't seem to get my head around the concept.


Take a simple example player A is trying to kill player B.


A does 10 dps and B heals for 9 hps neither have any expertise. Player A will obviously eventually kill player B.


Now lets say they both have 10% expertise buff (roughly the current level for a decently geared PvPer).


Player A now gets a extra 10% damage so he's up to 11 dps but player B has 10% mitigation which takes it down to 9.9 dps. Player B also get 10% extra healing so he now heals for 9.9 hps. So essentially it's a stalemate.


Now lets try 20% expertise (which I've read is roughly the amount a PvPer in the new 1.2 tier armour will have)


Player A does 12 dps reduced by B's mitigation to 9.6 dps and B now heals for 10.8 hps. So the balance between healing and DPS moves more towards the healing side.


I just can't see how Bioware are intending to keep a balance between heals and damage long term as every time they add a new tier of PvP gear (with more expertise) they'll need to nerf healers to keep them in balance.


Hopefully I've made a mistake in my logic somewhere because otherwise it just seems like a flawed concept.

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It depends on how radically they scale the rest of the stats on the gear.


Being purely hypothetical:


Season 1 Gear adds:

+10 to your primary stat (aim, cunning, strength, willpower)

+5 to a secondary stat (power, crit, or whatever)

+5 to a tertiary stat (accuracy, surge, or whatever)

+20 Expertise


So we have our damage calculated out and then expertise adds modifiers on top of that


Then lets say Season 2 Gear adds:

+20 to your primary stat

+15 to a secondary stat

+10 to a tertiary stat

+25 Expertise



Now our primary stat has doubled, and we see a huge increase to a secondary stat... but only a marginal increase to Expertise.


Not to mention diminishing returns with raising the level cap and requiring more Expertise to see the same results.



Basically the end result, if Bioware does it correctly, is that damage scales at the same rate as the healing bonus.


If Bioware doesn't do it correctly, then we're all screwed because no one will die with a healer present.



The danger that I can foresee is that the Primary stat bumps increase everything about your character... so while you are doing more damage, the healer is also doing more healing from that same stat... and still getting a healing bonus while simultaneously negating your extra damage.


It all depends on their formulas and how things are calculated.

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From what i saw of a video of someone on the test server mitigation isn't going to go up like damage and healing will. His character sheet showed something like 17% for both damage and healing but only ~14% for mitigation. It kinda stood out on the vid after so long of seeing all the values being equal.
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