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Heavy Armor on Troopers vs. Rejuvenation & Force Shield On Sages


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Although I might be mistaken, it seems that as the armor for the healer gets better, their arsenal of tools get smaller (see Priest vs. Holy Paladin in WOW or Sage Healer vs. Trooper Medic here).


However, as somoene with a level 45 sage healer and a level 30 medic, I think Sage Healers might have better "armor" in terms of being able to cast Rejuvenation and Force Shield on themselves before going into battle or as soon as they get attacked.


Force Shield absorbs a lot of damage and Rejuvenation has a nice duration (specially if you put some talent points into it).


So it seems that the one advantage that Trooper Medics had - armor - is really not that much of an advantage. In return, we also have a smaller arsenal of tools and the tools we have, don't really compare favorably to what sages have.


Trooper Medics - what are your thoughts? Does this seem accurate to you?

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i dps and heal on my commando, and i haven't even bothered getting the the healing armour for my trooper yet.


3s cd reduction of bacta infusion and 1.5 cd reduction of adv medical probe just didn't seem worth it.


the 3s increased duration of SCC could actually be a good one though. you can get off three supercharged kolto bombs in that time instead of two (and the buff still lasts for another 15s), but the combat medic is a single-target healer, so i imagine you're mostly spamming adv medical probe/medical probe combos throughout SCC anyway...




the 15% crit to charged bolts and grav round affects any build i have (granted it only affects my healing build occasionally as i'm not dpsing nearly as much)


i haven't tried it out yet, so i may be wrong though. the bonuses could seem small, but could actually be really huge, and i just haven't tried them out yet.

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