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Disappointed in Trauma Probe (it's no Earth Shield!)


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I have a sage healer at 45 and really think they are well rounded. Healing on a sage is a lot of fun.


My trooper medic alt just hit 30 and I was really excited about Trauma Probe since I thought it would really compensate for the fewer abilities vs. the sage.


To my suprise, I found Trauma Probe severely lacking. In addition, looking at preventive medince now, I realize that these two new abilities will not even bring me close to what I have with the sage.


It seems that the trooper medic was modeled after the WOW shamman. As someone who loved his shamman, I really had high expectations for the trooper medic. Now, I don't even want to play past 30. Trauma Probe is awful compared to Earth Shield and Preventive Medicine is no Riptide.


Lastly, I know this thread is not about the 1.2 nerfs, but seriously, why would anybody play trooper medic vs. sage.


I'm I mistaken? Does Trauma Probe get better with time? What do you all think?


Resubbing to WOW is looking better and better all the time...

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Not really.

It's one saving grace is it's instant and costs no ammo. Well that's till 1.2 where it will cost ammo, then it'll be totally useless. Too much cost for too little results.


BTW. I thought Commandos were more like pallies then shamies. I mean I wish we were modeled after a WoW shaman. Those things were bad @ss, which most people found out when world PvP started. Then I had it confirmed when us Alliance players got a chance to play the class.

Edited by Gezzer
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