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A challenge to post 1.2 commandos.


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We all know that in every MMO there is that one class that's harder to play. Commando will most likely be that class now (and the imperial mirror class of course). However, there is always that one guy who makes the class just look bad*****


Therefore, I propose a challenge to my commando brothers brave enough to accept it:


Go out there and outshine all other classes, take screenshots, record videos and tell stories of your honorable battles in the name of the glorious Republic. Those of you willing to accept the challenge should spread the word and if you'd like, add my new slogan to your sig:


"REAL men play commando post 1.2"



The remainder of this thread (if it last) should be used to post your accomplishments, but only those achieved AFTER 1.2.


- Alzor

Edited by Alzor
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Ummm, I can see Combat Medic being harder to play than it was before with their new ammo management issues, but I don't really see how gunnery is going to be any harder to play than it was before.


Don't get me wrong, I love my class, but its not exactly the hardest thing ever to figure out...

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Okay, good idea. :)


One problem much easier to say then do.

Now why would I say that you might ask?

Well I had the good fortune to have my main in vanilla WoW be a pally. No not just a pally but a ret pally. Yeah I know my own fault for picking not just a gimped hybrid, but the most gimped build in the most gimped hybrid. Yeah I sure know how to pick em. Let me tell you about all my assorted GFs sometime. Not pretty, not pretty at all. :o


But the fact that pallies in general and ret pallies in particular were a hard build to play wasn't what was such a big PITA. It was all the LFGs with the following "no pallies plz" or even more often "no ret pallies plz". You know what was really funny. I'll admit I wasn't the best player and I did have some "off" nights, but over all I was pretty good. I understood what my hybrid was for. As I liked to say I was a "squishies best friend". I'm most likely one of the few pallies that wasn't afraid to use my "suicide" ability to save a group's healer. I'd also start throwing heals when needed, I was a crack filler. That was my job. Okay make whatever tasteless jokes you want. :rolleyes:

As I started doing the BR instances I never was the cause of a wipe. But once those !@#@!@ ranking programs started showing up I was also middle of the pack. Now I was middle of the pack for both DPS and healing. I'd even rank above rogues and priests on occasion. So I felt pretty good over all.

But to many, and this only got worse with each expansion, if I was a DPS build why the h@ll was I so gimped at DPS? It was really hard getting into a PUG to prove I was worth the effort. So many party and raid leaders had no idea how to use a ret pally in the most effective way, so many of my suggested tactics got over ruled. And on the odd occasion they didn't..... they most times worked. Imagine that.

So eventually WoW made ret pallies into half way decent DPSers. But it took a long long time and by time it had happened I wasn't really a hybrid any more just a DPSer with a different mechanic.


And that's the underlying problem. It's fine to say let's prove we deserve a place on the field of battle. But how do we do it if we never get a chance to leave the bench?

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Ummm, I can see Combat Medic being harder to play than it was before with their new ammo management issues, but I don't really see how gunnery is going to be any harder to play than it was before.


Don't get me wrong, I love my class, but its not exactly the hardest thing ever to figure out...


This thread was more directed at combat medics tbh. Just didn't want to leave DPSers out.

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We all know that in every MMO there is that one class that's harder to play. Commando will most likely be that class now (and the imperial mirror class of course). However, there is always that one guy who makes the class just look bad*****


Therefore, I propose a challenge to my commando brothers brave enough to accept it:


Go out there and outshine all other classes, take screenshots, record videos and tell stories of your honorable battles in the name of the glorious Republic. Those of you willing to accept the challenge should spread the word and if you'd like, add my new slogan to your sig:


"REAL men play commando post 1.2"



The remainder of this thread (if it last) should be used to post your accomplishments, but only those achieved AFTER 1.2.


- Alzor


I do sincerely hope this is the case, my friend. I have enough time left on my recurring subscription to be able to judge for myself whether or not Combat Medic, in my eyes, continues to be the challenging front-line healer that we are now after 1.2 goes live (assuming it actually launches early April). If that is how I feel, I will be more than happy to resubscribe and look back at this and laugh.


If, however, I was correct with my assessment, then I know I made the right move.


The ball is currently in Bioware's court.

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