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Increase BM Com drops in bags


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I'm frustrated that this game is super easy to level up in and until you get to level 60 valor and just want to complete your character. If someone has put in the time to get to level 60 valor then at least reward them by giving the BM coms in the bags that only level 60 valor can open.


This game is just pacing everything out so that people that like to complete their characters will have to pay subscriptions into infinity because they will be looking for the very rare drop rate of bm comms so they can get their last 3 or 4 pieces of armor. It's garbage! This game can be better than that. Reward everyone equally with bm com drops in bags they have earned the right to open. Not just the elitest *****s that don't have jobs and can sit in their mommy's basements for 365 days straight and play video games.l


I hate games that will reward the few people that can live at their computer desk for the first 2 months a game comes out and get all the goodies and then make them super rare to the semi hard core gamer (who have a job) or especially the casual player (that have a family and a job). My gf plays the game only on weekends. She will NEVER get to see valor 60 probably, but, I can guarantee she will not be pvp'ing 400 hours a day 90 days a week to get her 1/69 bm com in a bag. yes... slight exageration on hours in the day and days in the week, but, it's just stupid.

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