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PVP daily terminals, immersion and limited game time


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I really feels like the PVP missions terminals should be on every planet. I understand that you want people too gather on the fleets, but all traveling for us with limited game time is abit frustrating.


Myself for example, I like too both explore and do PVP. I open up every game session with going back to the fleet and getting the daily pvp quest, que up and start to travel back to the planet I was on. After a few rounds I want to do someting else and starts to do quests, explore or hunt datacrons. All traveling really gets boring after a while...


The next day it´s the same thing, Im loosing immersion because of this rubber-banding back and forth to the Republic fleet. Shouldn't it be better if you just allowed us to take and complete the PVP missions on every planets main base? This could also make some planets more alive.


I know I could just neglect the PVP dailys, but since I like the whole aspect of the game and are of a competitive nature, I rather not.


Thanks for reading!

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