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dps commando stats and lvl50 equipment


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Hi all,

So I've been at lvl 50 for a few weeks now and starting to dabble in some PvP, doing my dailies and trying out the various flashpoints and difficulty lvls in the FP's. I'm definitely lacking in dps abilities and want to work on feasibly improving dps and defense.


I've got my accuracy at 102.94 but it requires me to have the accuracy mod on almost all of my pieces including weapons and implants/earpiece. I've read the posts that indicate that having accuracy over 100% is good for a ranged dps, anything over that 100% bypasses or negates the targets armor yes? Anyway, it doesn't do much for hitting hard unfortunately. So my question is, what is the balance in terms of power/accuracy/crit/surge for a ranged gunner at lvl 50? How much should I spread the stat wealth around in terms of various mods/enh?


The next part deals in armor. The questions are simple but the answer likely isn't short. I see the vendors like the PvP, Rakata, Supercommando, tech, etc and I get a little lost in terms of what to buy. Right now I'm mainly "orange" moddable armor, along with some purples that were re'd with an open mod/enh slot. I look at other commandos who have PvP gear or some columni gear and notice that some of my stats like Aim and accuracy and even crit chance are higher. I mainly enjoy the PvE and running the flashpoints with my guildies and new friends but for being the ranged dps guy, I don't feel very dps or strong. So the question is, what kinds of armor should I really be targetting?


I welcome all your thoughts. Thanks in adv.

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