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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

< POLL > Remove ilum points from quest log


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This is so annoying taht the bases, central and N/S go in our quest log....





LEts have them removed from quest log as its annoying to um...everyon!


1- YES

2- NO



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Chances are that most players doing the Ilum PvP are not going to have 20+ quests sitting in their quest log but that doesn't mean they won't. Especially if they are running the Belsavis and Ilum dailies and stop to run to the Ilum PvP area without completing the daily quests.


Now, to be the devil's advocate, the amount of dev work to remove them from the quest log would mean they would have to develop something to track them.


My idea is a simple one and very easy to code. It's not a perfect fix but it would help. Simply allow players that untrack the Ilum cap quests stay untracked. It's annoying that they keep popping up even if I have them untracked when objectives switch sides.


Alas, I might as well be talking to the wall. How many times have players begged to stop being automatically re-queued (before leaving the wz) or at least have it be a permanent toggle? I know they have tons of stuff to work on but come on, that would take a decent dev about 5 minutes to set up and wouldn't really require any testing.

Edited by Ozzone
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