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Seriously not trying to be a smart arse, but... (AFK vote)


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Players in Warzones may now flag another player on the team as potentially AFK by right-clicking their name in the Operation Group window and selecting "Vote to Kick from Warzone." Once enough team members have flagged a player in this way, the player is given a warning and a small window to begin playing or they are removed from the Warzone.


You may wish to think about the potential for abuse on this one; especially considering that pop-up windows when you ARE in PvP are lethal (rather than merely annoying like when they happen at the GTN or when you're banking, etc).


Just a thought.

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Tried that on the PTR before (during one of the bugged warzones), the vote apparently automatically drops when the nominated player goes into combat.


Combat only, or healing too? Sorry, I can't download the client on my old rig...

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Ah. That do make a difference, even though it still (from the sound of it) presents the window, which was the crux of the "second thought" request. Imagine if you will, someone spamming you with it throughout combat. Granted, combat moves gets rid of it, but I imagine that could still be quite an annoyance.


Then again, someone with the agility/dexterity to do this would likely tear me up anyway... so maybe it is moot?

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Ah. That do make a difference, even though it still (from the sound of it) presents the window, which was the crux of the "second thought" request. Imagine if you will, someone spamming you with it throughout combat. Granted, combat moves gets rid of it, but I imagine that could still be quite an annoyance.


Then again, someone with the agility/dexterity to do this would likely tear me up anyway... so maybe it is moot?


It wont pop up if you are in combat.

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Me? Heh. I didn't clear up a thing; I stumbled around, barked my shins on every corner, and stubbed my toe repeatedly while the other contributors actually set forth the solid information.


But I'm happy to be the Gump if it means getting the information, so you're welcome, I suppose. :)

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