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I wonder


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Well we all know sith redeeming himself and going to the light side happens, we have seen jedi go sith there should be a story arc where your character can switch, This is part of sw lore.


I already have a jedi but would like the idea to do that kinda story arc.


PPl say you cant it the classes are nothing alike, you stay the same class same skills and maybe some new ones, but use your powers for good ect...



my sith, is at light 2, but seems kinda pointless to lvl the light for just rewards an some changes to the story in sme cases.

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As has been stated many many times on these forums: Empire does not automatically equal "OMG EVIL!" and Republic does not automatically equal "Fluffy bunnies and we're all GOOD and WONDERFUL!" You can be a "light" Sith who just doesn't believe in killing helpless people or pointless slaughter but who still embraces all of the ideals of the Sith and the Empire. You can be a "dark" Jedi who does not believe in the Sith tenets at all but still believes in doing what is necessary to protect the Republic as a whole.


Alignment and faction are totally separate things and as you play you'll see that being "light side" as a Sith doesn't prevent you from embracing the abilities and force-user mentality of a Sith; nor does being a "dark side" Jedi prevent you from embracing the abilities and mentality of a Jedi.

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