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Warzone suggestions


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Dear Bioware,


Your combat is fun, but we need more choices of warzones. I would like to make some suggestions and hope others make suggestions of what they would like to see as well.


1. Make warzones with armies of roaming npcs

2. Have sieging mechanics in warzones

3. Have multiple objectives to one target objective - remove shield and split up group or take on the enemy full force. One can be quicker than the other, and it could have a dominoe effect with side missions becoming successful for ethier side.

4. Have warzones which puts one side on the defense

5. Have warzones which puts one side on the offense - i could have said vice a versa but they are different focuses (which could be a victory of time -survival, or also having more points to win depending on design.)

6. Have environment effects, or landscape that adds to the fight. Cliffs, fire, water etc (like huttball)

7. Have warzones that require constant activity with the object. For example crafting in a warzone that is useful to the warzone. Such as crafters in the warzone who could make turrets to hold off armies of NPCS. Both sides are making turrets. However, the idea is to take less damage to win or have the other team lose. So if a team makes enough turrets and decides to attack the enemy base they can try to help the NPCS to cause more damage to win at the end of the round.


8. Having extreme landscapes of valleys. One big hill for example that requires a lot of platforming. Maybe these kind of maybe have quick respawns. Or the environment has a dangerous volcanoes with falling floors/gysers and there are resources in the middle and its the WZ its about transporting the valuables to one side.

9. Use turrets in your game. This could be possible in either the defensive WZ or offensive WZ

10. Have vehicles in the warzone - this could be part of a dodging the mortar turret gun mechanic for example maybe tied in with seiging

11. Have WZ which bring other elements into the game. For example a race to a certain objective, then it requires one person to do the objective to carry the team- and the team watches. If this person succeeds it adds to an overall effect to the WZ and they continue on their race to the next objective requiring another single person to do the objective. This can be a race against time to beat the other team.

12. Have a WZ that is about finding the best contender against the other player. So everyone fights with other players affecting the environment but then people vote who they want to duel against the opposing team. The victory will give the other team bonuses to help them win the WZ.



Edited by VegaPhone
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