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Oh Republic/Jedi, you get off so lucky/easy


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Okay. Just think.


Sith leaders kill each other on a regular basis. Plotting, maniacal actions, and constantly turning on one another. The Sith Empire is an aristocracy. Aristocracies are by natural, volatile and prone to collapse when shaken. The Sith are the aristocrats. So this means... That the Sith Aristocracy just needs someone to kind of poke the aristocracy before it comes crumbling down, by sheer logic. Even when the Sith Empire was competent and worked together, did they fall short of their potential. Let's take a quick look at the Great Galactic War. (Inside spoiler box)



The Empire had centuries upon centuries to prepare to invade the Republic and focus on developing the perfect army and exact their revenge. The Empire invades, and the Republic has about a year or so to equal the Empire. The Republic loses their allies, the Empire gains said allies. Yet, somehow, the Republic manages to beat back the Empire, teh Empire only seizes 1/2 of what they should have been able to, with centuries of preparation and thousands of force users integrated into their ranks, as opposed to the Jedi's separation from the Republic. Now, the Empire cannot take control of their most lucrative planets (Balmorra), the Republic is still recouping, but is in better shape than the Empire, and the Empire is losing it's strongest figures one at a time.


The Empire is going to die, if not by the deadly, "Story Lazer", but by a logical progression of the storyline based on what the Sith Empire is.


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