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PVP Interrupts/Stuns


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Why after making all these changes are troopers still the only class without an interrupt? Cryo Grenade is the ONLY thing we have and it fills up resolve bar pretty much to full when used, completely negating our knockbacks once it wears off.


Yesterday, during an Alderaan WZ match I got stunned from 100-0 by a Sorc, Operative duo, and only AFTER the 3rd stun did my resolve bar fill up. Even if I broke the short duration Sorc stun I would have to eat the Op ones. Now how is it that my one 4s duration Cryo nade fills up the bar to like 90% but Operative or Sorc stuns give only a fraction? They need to give us something to compensate for being the target of so many stuns/interrupts.


Tanks get more focus when taking AE damage or movement slowing effects, we should get ammo back or a dmg buff to our attacks when these are chained on us.


Sorcs can interrupt from 30m away with seemingly no global cooldown between the interrupt and their channeled lightning casts. Why can't Troopers have ONE interrupt? our defensive abilities are getting nerfed, 5% less charged barrier, increased cd on knockbacks, but after making all these changes you still didn't think we needed an interrupt or some kind of interrupt protection? It's clear the BW designers don't play Troopers.

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