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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Consular 1.2 Armor


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About the male Sages that are arround here... hell, what were you thinking about when you made a male sage? It was obvious that this was going to happen... I feel sorry for you.


I am male shadow...


No class should be extremely feminine anyway, it doesn't make any sense.


My body type 3 shadow is looking pretty awsome in full bm, I suppose he is going to look that way for a long time.

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i really hope that is not the actually armor.


here is my character when i leveling this armor looks awesome imo if it had a helm that would go with it or some additional flair to it for high level pvp/pve




Problem with that armor is, it clips, front and back. Had the clipping been less obvious, I'd probably be using another a similar one (only grey).


That said, remember that 1.2 also brings us removable armors, which means you'll want a synthweaver-made orange item anyway. Wish we could make Robe of Deception... :/

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If I were king, or at BW HQ I’d put forth the motion can I please get my shiny new Black Hole/Campaign gear in a bag with the shell and all 3 item mods already removed so I can put them in if I want to or not spend 100k per piece of gear so I don’t have to look like a cross dressing Pocahontas or somebody wearing a burlap sack.


Seriously the set looks horrible. I bet some artist watched Disney’s Pocahontas and thought that’d be cool. Why do I need to be penalized to remove the mods from gear that a bunch of stoners made (How else do you explain it making it through the review process? The last sets too?).


How many man hours go into making the art for a new set of end game gear? Change some piping/trim colors and BAM! You have a new set of gear. Tionese/Columi/Rakata all used the same model and just reskinned it. Not even 1% of the total budge went into end game gear art; if it did you got robbed.


Picture link I stole from somebody in some thread



I’m speaking from a Sage with male model 2. I don’t want to offend anybody’s sexuality but come on. Off the shoulder chest piece. Turquoise hand cuffs. The hood, why do we have a hood if we don’t have a full chest piece is this the clan? I hope it doesn’t come in white. And I look at the boots and see turned down boots like a pirate would have if they were flared a bit. I quit playing my sage because he looked like a drag queen in pre 1.2 gear and looks like I’ll have to either just quit playing him all together or hope he can heal with level 124 modable gear in story mode.


<Or you can make some money if you offer a sex change for characters for say $5.00>

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BW really needs to end their relationship with whoever is designing the Consular armor. Amazingly, this is the first time I have played an MMO where the armor art is a factor in my ruminations on un-subbing. While I appreciate the fact that I can now place all set mods in other orange gear, I think it makes a lot of sense that the mods should be separated from these ludicrous pieces so that people who do not want to role-play a cross-dresser are not penalized with paying vast sums of credits to remove mods.


Honestly, I really thought that the current crop of end-game, Consular PvE gear was an all-time low that could not be reached again if BW tried. Obviously, I was wrong. Your Consular armor designer has an incredible reservoir of bad taste that is as infinite in its shamelessness as it is horrifying. Please stop this designer from continuing to pull ideas from that ninth circle of fashion hell that he calls a brain.


I am genuinely at a loss as to how your end-game armor designs passed any reasonable review. I try to picture Yoda in any of these designs and fully understand why he chose to wear burlap rags on Dagoba. I want to be clear: dressing like a hobo is far and away more preferable than wearing the garish outfits your team devised in their fits of lunacy.


While I am resigned to the fact that no one from BW will ever read this post, I pray that they listen to outcry of dismay, disgust and disappointment of their Consular players as a whole. Please try reigning it in a little with Consular armor. Being a wise Jedi never became synonymous with a bizarre love of over-sized shoulder pads and clown-wear.


Master Teeper (who will wear plain hooded robes in 1.2)

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If I 'HAVE' to wear that armor, IE they won't let me remove the mods, enh, armor and place them into my current gear at a reasonable price (reasonable to me is a couple thou credits, and yes I am also one of the people sporting over 2 mil in credits on my main) the armor won't see the light of day other than when I raid.




It will go in my bags and only be brought out after I zone into the Operation and be promptly placed back into my bag at the end of the run.. I won't use it outside of an operations in any way shape or form. It has got to be the most god aweful, ugliest garbage that I have ever seen in my mmo life.


I have played many MMO's over the years, mostly dabbled in the late in comers while I played WoW.. (yeah I know don't hit me.. it was good at one time and no I didn't stay for long in Cata).. While there were a lot of things in those games that made me want to hurt the art department at times I have never.. ever felt like they pieces were so blatantly not for my class.. or the game had some sort of alternate gear display..


The stuff that has been shown on the boards as what I can expect for my new armor.. yeah no.. I am seriously hoping it is an April Fools joke, or they want to surprise us with some very cool stuff or something. This stuff... it won't make me completely leave the game, but I can guarantee i'll be logging in for raids only.


I can't even come up with a good reason on why I would want to be seen in that junk..

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