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Commando analysis


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First of all, I am a Combat Medic Commando and play PVP almost exclusively so I can't really offer a good PVE insight. That been said, let's analice the Commando AC.




- Heavy armor

- Raw power




- Only AC without an interrupt.

- Only healing class without an in-combat res.

- The least mobile AC. Not a single movement buffing, jumping... ability (I admit this can be a good job at class creation considering the heavy armor)

- Disadvantage vs Bounty Hunters regarding casting animations.

- Disadvantage "Hammer Shot" vs "Rapid Shots" animation

- Mayor disadvantage at resource management vs Bounty Hunter

- The only class (including the vanguard) who has a 31 point skill that shares cooldown.



I just can't understand what is being done in 1.2.

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I agree with some of what you've said. I think the argument about resource management has been overstated by most people. I have both a BH and a Commando and I don't notice much of a difference, if any.


The lack of an interrupt or in combat rez is kind of a silly design decision. I'm not sure why they omitted it, and I wish the devs would say something about why they have.


I'm inclined to think that the 1.2 changes are going to mean bad things for my healing, but I want to try to keep an open mind until I've had a chance to test them.

Edited by nallard
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That's not 31 point skill...


The Assault Plastique ability is granted by the top tier (31 point) skill box of the Assault tree. It certainly is a 31 point skill.


Assault Plastique shares a cooldown with Sticky Grenade, a level 5 Trooper skill.


Whether it matters or not is a matter of opinion, but it is an undeniable fact that one of the abilities granted by a 31 point skill shares a cooldown with another ability.

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