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Bioware please explain Medic nerf.


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I need you to show clear justification of the Combat medic nerf. I am currently a BM commando valor 66 and I am confused about the medic nerfs. I want to go through each tree of the commando and explain to you what is happening in each scenario basically.


You give us Gunnery, Combat medic and assault.


Lets start with Gunnery:

A mainly stationary tree, one finds himself spamming mainly Grav round and full auto. Little mobility is given to this tree with the exception of HIB and demolition round. You find yourself spamming grav round a lot because the benefit of charged barrier and charged barrel and the fact that it enhances the damage of your demo round. This tree keeps you stationary indefinitely, which opens you up to interrupts, cc and focus fire. This tree is pretty much a spam fest, 4-5 buttons, extremely easy. Instead of adding mobility to this tree or changing some abilities you just went "BAD GRAV ROUND" and "BAD CHARGED BOLT" without changing the fundamental flaws in this tree which are that being a "PVP" tree technically leaving it an extremely immobile tree.. If anyone knows anything about competitive pvp, you should know that standing in one position spamming abilities is completely god awful. Example: LOS, easily interrupted, cannot stack enough vortex's to do sufficient damage or build defense. Leaving you with what? charged bolts, and full auto? Main point-> stationary, stationary, stationary, stationary.. not good in PVP.



Bioware you should have really looked at this tree for pvp and understood its complete worthlessness. Instead of making it more pvp friendly you just decided not to do anything at all. Yeah PVE TREE BRO? right I know. Does anyone have damage meters or combat logs to determine if this tree is competing with sages, sentinels or any of the other expected high dps classes? Nope you just roll the dice and presume that the assault specced commando is doing a lot of DPS in your raid. This tree is pvp is a complete joke, relying on sustained damage one finds plasma cells ticks and periodic damage effects not really doing anything. Assault plastique and incendiary round, give me a break, are those some kind of joke? I was really hoping that Bioware would make this tree useable in pvp, it is a MOBILE TREE but no, we'll just leave it for PVE.


Combat medic:

The 1.2 combat medic nerfs don't really make sense to me. I already don't get invited to raids because of the lack of healing ability namely HOTS and aoe healing and thus far I have found out that sorcs/ sages and scoundrels have a huge advantage in healing compared to us. Those classes have a far easier time healing than the commando class. In warzones I am constantly working my *** off to stay alive with numerous key bindings, all the while watching very carefully my ammo consumption. You're adding an ammo cost to Trauma probe, are you kidding me? Do you want us to run out of ammo even quicker now? Do you even realize that the trooper class is already underplayed and that nerfing the tree that had a real chance for success in anything is only going to make the class even more undesirable? The nerf to the medic tree is uncalled for and unneeded.


I have no beef with PVE commandos this is mainly a PVP issue.


Explain, explain, explain, explain why combat medic was targeted and added to the hit list.

Edited by PaceofAids
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Explain, explain, explain, explain why combat medic was targeted and added to the hit list.


I have no idea, but after reading the patch notes I would be embarrassed to ask for a spot in an operation as a healer.

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