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Assault Spec Viable for PvE?


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Hi there,


So the other day I decided to try the Assault tree on my lvl 50 commando. It took a while to understand it but I love it much much more than gunnery (which is a bit boring to me now), this is my first MMO and the idea of DoTs is really fun.


However, my guild have started raids not to long ago and I sort of want to try going in with my Assault spec, but at the same time I dont want to be a burden on the raid.


So if anyone can give me a good high damage rotation to start off with I would be grateful, or even just share your thought on Commando Assault spec for PvE.


My current build is this:




Thank you for your time :)

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I doubt Assault Specialist will remain viable comapred to Gunnery in PvE after 1.2 hits, assuming the patch notes don't change. The change to ionic accelerator reduces our DPS and ammo regeneration. The log parses will tell all *cross fingers.*


That said, I currently use this spec for both PvE and PvP.


My preferred opening in PvE:


Reserve Powercell > Plasma grenade


Incendiary round

High Impact Bolt

Full Auto

Charged Bolts (repeatedly) or hammershot if ammo is dropping to 50% or so.


After that just use HIB, plastique and full auto whenever they're off cooldown, making sure to use hammershot when you need to let your ammo recharge. Make sure to keep an eye on your reserver powercell & plasma nade cooldowns too, they should be available at more or less the same time.


Throw Mortar Volley in if you're not saving it for an AE phase.


Also, I tend to use my relic and and recharge cells at the same time.

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Ahh thank you for your feedback.


I was a bit worried when I seen the ionic accelerator was getting a nerf. However with FA on cooldown its rare i can continuously get HiB off cooldown using Charged Bolts. So i dont see how it was a necessary nerf. :D


And hopefully like you said the combat logs will tell me how I am doing. Or how any Assault specced troopers are doing.

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I would do this build for both PvE and PvP assault:




You definitely want the extra Crit from the Combat Medic tree (not sure if that's changing in 1.2 though). The Reflexive Shield and Degauss is pointless for PvE (and from my own experience in PvP too). Paralalactic Combat Stim is good to have and an extra way to regain some ammo. You won't need more Accuracy so can save 1 point in that.


By the way, not sure why you would want to put single points in skills as it just give you 50% chance to proc, making the buffs totally unreliable.


I tested running a few instances solo as both Gunnery and then also as Assault (Taral V). I timed myself on taking down the bosses and both tree's took more or less the same time. Both are viable for damage in PvE.


But Assault isn't very good for normal mobs or questing on your own, your damage is too slow and only works well on stronger targets.

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