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Suggested Alt. Bounty Hunter Healing Nerfs


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After I've given the proposed healing nerfs much thought, I've some up with some alternative nerfs that may go over better with the PVE and PVP community.


Kolto Shell: Now costs 8 Heat instead of 0.


16 heat on this ability is more than its worth IMO. I realize a fully used Kolto Shell heals for over 5k health, but only being able to apply it to one target means when switching it from one player to the next, another 16 heat will be used. This ability will become the least used healing ability if the heat is increased to 16. If this is to be the case, increase it to two or three targets.


If you're going to increase our heat consumption based on our heals, then keep supercharged gas's vent at 16. A heat vent of 16 only equates to one big heal, compared to the extra we'll be spending with the critical efficiency nerf.


Kolto residue: Was 2 percent reduction on this ability really necessary? Kolto residue now becomes a nearly worthless effect with this change. Remember, our supercharged gas is already being reduced by 5%.


For PvP Balance, nerf Protective Field. I'd even be happy if it was reduced to 5% per point.


On a side note, I'm happy with the dps nerfs & the other changes I have no mentioned. Please post critiques and suggestions below.

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Agreed about Kolto Residue, i'm not sure what the heck the point is of this nerf. Granted, it applies to ALL heals received for the targets, but it's still just an odd change.


For Kolto Shell, I'd say yes to an 8 heat increase instead of 16. Maybe also change Critical Efficiency to apply an 8 heat discount to the next Rapid Scan or Kolto Shell.


I'd be happy with Supercharged Gases if only the heat venting nerf OR the % to heal/damage were applied. Another possibility, that ability has a 1.5 second CD for some reason when there's no reason for that since we can't possibly get 30 charges of Combat Support Cylinder. Maybe give it a realistic CD instead of these (some of) these large nerfs?

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