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Open letter to the PvP biowareteam


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Um, WoW did not make the idea of gear. That was way back in the MUDs and in the single player games that came out many years ago.


All games are copies of Pong if you follow that train of though. Pong has moving things, other games have moving things.


And just because you don`t like Ilum doesn`t mean it is not PvP. Player vs Player means any time any where you fight a player it is PvP.


i'm not saying ilum is not pvp , but i need BW to give me a swotr conceptual experience.

the pve part is amazing and they did a great job there, i want the pvp to be the same thing.

We want epic pvp battles :) there are ways to do that

for example you can have two ways to make a siege in a castle.


siege with zerk smash the door get into base and kill the large boss to take over the castle.


siege with timing waves of players that try to break the defenses(scenario can we added here aswell). dungeons inside and deadly traps who ever dies can't respawn so people would be more cautious and healers would be protected by all costs :)

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Why are you guys qqing OP on this? My god he worked his butt off to get the valor rank and you people think he spends too much time on the game. Listen he worked hard to get the valor rank and should be rewarded.


The new armor looks horrible and has a Asian style to it. I can't believe they let it go through with a quality check. 1.2 is going to be the death of this game.

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you may feel like you "worked hard" for your rank


where as i, and a lot of others have watched people abuse turrets in ilum, afk in warzones or the like and do not feel you should (not you specifically, but a percentage of the people who have also attained this rank) should be rewarded for doing nothing towards contributing


getting the rank does not prove you have any skill, but that you in your infinite wisdom decided to spend a lot of time on 1 character doing warzone after warzone


Should a player for example, like myself.. who instead of doing warzones and being bored on 1 character who decided to try different classes, but still do the same amount of warzones across all characters be "punished" because I did not want to play 1 specific class role??


you seem to imply that it is only 'new customers' who are stealing your cookies, well let me put your own metaphor right back at you


you walk into your little bakery and order that same stagnant cookie day after day, I also walk into same said bakery day after day, but i differ from day to day and instead of ordering a cookie I have a muffin, or maybe a cake


should you be put forward of me in that line because you chose to eat that same cookie day after day?


personally I feel it would be bad business, and if you got put to the front of line ahead of me, i would ram the aforementioned cookie where the sun doesn't shine.


Personally I feel the OP comes across as you want to be put on a pedestal for doing something of your own choosing.. and what is worse is you feel deprived because you are not been rewarded for doing so. Get in the real world please..

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Valor should`ve been resetted when the 50s were given there own bracket.

Valor should have been resetted when the kill trading was found out.

Valor should`ve been resetted when they started asking for a subscription.


But really valor should just be done away with.

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