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Major changes to pvp gear progression


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-pvp vendors no longer sell champion bags

-pvp vendors will sell an entry-level pvp set for credits

-battlemaster gear available for commendations

-valor requirement has been removed from BM earpieces and implants

-WZ commendation cap increased to 2000 (assuming same for Merc comms?)

-WZ daily and weekly missions reward WZ comms


TL;DR: What do you think pvp gear progression will look like in 1.2?


I tried to compile all the pvp gear progression changes in the hopes of understanding them better. I'm still not really sure. It looks like you really need to save up 2000 WZ comms (and maybe the merc ones as well) for when you hit 50, since the Champion bags are getting totally deprecated.


You can snag a BM ear piece and implants right away and pay for the entry-level set. It also looks like there is no way to get Centurion and Champion gear; I wonder if they are getting removed from the game?


Since you can't get BM gear until valor 60 it looks like you will have to play rated zones to get the new War Hero stuff. The alternative, as it has always been, is to use PVE gear instead.


Please feel free to correct errors in reasoning. Hopefully this will get us ahead of the curve in understanding the new changes. That Guide for Fresh 50s thread will need to be updated asap as it was very useful.

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Im more interested in knowing how the ranked warzone commendation system will work.


As it currently looks on the PTS the head piece costs 2150 ranked warzone commendations.

I am very curious to know if the ranked warzone commendations will be obtained through amount of medals earned in RWZ matches aswell, I really don't hope so, I hope its simply based on winning matches... But ofcourse its gonna be around medals, Bioware love those medals

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