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Bioware trolling bodyguard spec as expected


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So the so called *balance* changes are up and the joke here?


kolto missile targets healed incresed to 4 from 3 (yea massive)

kolto residue healing reduced to 3% from 5%


So lemme get this straight. Your idea for balancing classes to bring us more in line with aoe healing vs sorce (nerfed to 8 targets on aoe yea troll more) is to make our only AOE barely better (5 or 6 targets would have been realistic) and make the only strong part of our abysmal aoe worse.


You also buffed supercharged gas which IMO did not need to be touched at all as it was already very strong. Way to screw the pooch bioware. Sorcs remain the most op aoe healers by far and away making them STILL the only worthwhile raid healer to bring to a raid. When you said you were planning to bring the healing classes more in line with each other, you mine as well have just said we're actually trolling every non-sorc so suck it.


I was really eager to re-roll to bodyguard when I heard that changes were going in. Guess I'll be staying arsenal and letting my guild sorcs continue to trudge along ezmode healing everything.

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We've closed this thread as we have consolidated discussions related to Patch 1.2 and Bounty Hunter Class Changes. Please check out these threads for discussing the changes to the Bodyguard Spec:


Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback at the above links. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Edited by Noviru
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