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What's my role in PvP?

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As of right now before the patch the skills set of players is up and the strategies are set. I still do my damage and try to fill my role as a damage dealer jerk. But as WZ rolls are defined now i don't see much usefulness in 1 of the 3 modes. Problem is that mode is the one we all get stuck in the most.


Huttball: I cant defend our side because i become a target for leaping classes. I cant slow them down nor can i interrupt them. Sure i have Jet boost maxed out but whats the point when they immune to it or if i do get one off the guy will just leap at me again anyway. So i have had to place myself on their side of the goal and not help the team as much because im not fast enough to keep up the leapers to do much good.


Luckily im not getting griefed about camping the middle.


Also team composition is a big one. Im seeing less mercs and snipers and more sorcs/jedi/tanks. I dont know about you but it sure is fun to see a sorc who has is shield up. Fire 3 rounds of tracer only to see one hit for 800. He stuns you runs away pops another shield and we start over again. By then im wasting too much time on one target to matter much to the team.


Im feeling like a dead weight to the team even though im in the upper half of the scoreboard. I guess this is how an agent feels. At least they get the satisfaction for a little while longer of a quick kill.


With the upcoming changes i dont know what im going to do. I like my merc and its my main.


Can anyone help me?



:cry harder:

Edited by chucklesmcnutt
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