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Goodbye SWtOR +1


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I know, this may be considered trolling etc. The 1.2 patch notes are an unwaranted overall nerf to the class. We were already going into rated pvp at a gross disadvantage. As I only pvp this has destroyed the game for me. I was excited to try ranked, but with these changes we dont have a viable pvp spec at all. I do appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the patch, but I don't feel like putting as much time into another character. On the cusp of the GW2 beta guaranteed with prepurchase and Diablo 3 in a few weeks. I will be jumping ship. It was fun, I did enjoy.

End Transmission...I mean End Subscription

P.S. The healing nerf was the icing on the foamy nerf cake that is now the sorc.....

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I know, this may be considered trolling etc. The 1.2 patch notes are an unwaranted overall nerf to the class. We were already going into rated pvp at a gross disadvantage. As I only pvp this has destroyed the game for me. I was excited to try ranked, but with these changes we dont have a viable pvp spec at all. I do appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the patch, but I don't feel like putting as much time into another character. On the cusp of the GW2 beta guaranteed with prepurchase and Diablo 3 in a few weeks. I will be jumping ship. It was fun, I did enjoy.

End Transmission...I mean End Subscription

P.S. The healing nerf was the icing on the foamy nerf cake that is now the sorc.....


I don't think MMO's are the right game for you.


You'll just end up quitting anytime your class get's nerfed.

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I don't mind getting nerfed, you obviously have no clue on what happened in the tourneys with sorc, this kills the possibility altogether.


Because SWTOR has all these 1v1 and 3v3 TDM based warzones.


If you haven't rage deleted your credits and gear I'll take it.

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I know, this may be considered trolling etc. The 1.2 patch notes are an unwaranted overall nerf to the class. We were already going into rated pvp at a gross disadvantage. As I only pvp this has destroyed the game for me. I was excited to try ranked, but with these changes we dont have a viable pvp spec at all. I do appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the patch, but I don't feel like putting as much time into another character. On the cusp of the GW2 beta guaranteed with prepurchase and Diablo 3 in a few weeks. I will be jumping ship. It was fun, I did enjoy.

End Transmission...I mean End Subscription

P.S. The healing nerf was the icing on the foamy nerf cake that is now the sorc.....


if you think anyone is going to be sad a sorc quit this game, think again haha

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I don't mind getting nerfed, you obviously have no clue on what happened in the tourneys with sorc, this kills the possibility altogether.


Nor do you, the patch isn't out yet. So as for as i'm concerned your just another QQer on the forums. But I do know if one class was due for a nerf it was Inqs. But like stated above maybe MMO's aren't for you. Have fun quitting GW2, D3 and any other game where the developers personally single you out and nerf your class. Believe me you are not the first to be upset about being nerfed, but normal people get over it.

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I know, this may be considered trolling etc. The 1.2 patch notes are an unwaranted overall nerf to the class. We were already going into rated pvp at a gross disadvantage. As I only pvp this has destroyed the game for me. I was excited to try ranked, but with these changes we dont have a viable pvp spec at all. I do appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the patch, but I don't feel like putting as much time into another character. On the cusp of the GW2 beta guaranteed with prepurchase and Diablo 3 in a few weeks. I will be jumping ship. It was fun, I did enjoy.

End Transmission...I mean End Subscription

P.S. The healing nerf was the icing on the foamy nerf cake that is now the sorc.....


Really? I can think of half a dozen really good reasons to quit this game right now, but because your sorcerer got nerfed? What if all the other sorcs quit because of a nerf? There'd be practically no imps left. I might stop having epileptic seizures due to the constant lighting spams on my screen.


Hats off to sorcs who see the nerf as an opportunity to get better. Sometimes, sucking is good for you. Sucking builds character. And after 3 months of playing this stupid game, I have more character than anyone on my server.

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Greetings everyone,


We know that many players are eager to discuss the upcoming changes announced in the 1.2 Patch Notes. That conversation is already happening so you may want to join the following thread:




You may also want to post your thoughts in the Public Test Server forum.


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you!


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