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Healer in training - Need Some Helpful Advice


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In all mmo's i've played, i'm either a tank or melee dps. First time ever, I have the excitement about playing a Combat Medic because it offers one of the most unique class concepts i've ever seen.


I'm trying to learn how to heal as I go along. I have a G13 gamepad that is perfect for hotkeying abilities and being able to move using the thumbstick while pressing keys.


My question is, what's the most optimal way of selecting party members to trigger heals. If I bind the F keys to my G13 it will dramatically change my default hotkeys I've used for the last 4 years. IT will take away 4-5 buttons I've always used to be an effective tank/dps.


The other option is clicking on name plates of the actual players and using the hotkeys to cast heals, buffs, etc.... but is this an efficient way or should I force myself (no pun intended) to heal using the F keys?


If you guys and gals can give me some advice on how to become a good healer in terms of mechanics.. I would greatly appreciate it. I've already converted party frames to operation frames and brought it closer to the middle of the screen.


Should I invest in a Naga mouse and keybind party members to the side keys?


TLDR: What's the most efficient way to heal in terms of targeting party members and using heals? I'm just learning but I want to learn the optimal way from the beginning and hone my skills as I level up.

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In all mmo's i've played, i'm either a tank or melee dps. First time ever, I have the excitement about playing a Combat Medic because it offers one of the most unique class concepts i've ever seen.


I'm trying to learn how to heal as I go along. I have a G13 gamepad that is perfect for hotkeying abilities and being able to move using the thumbstick while pressing keys.


My question is, what's the most optimal way of selecting party members to trigger heals. If I bind the F keys to my G13 it will dramatically change my default hotkeys I've used for the last 4 years. IT will take away 4-5 buttons I've always used to be an effective tank/dps.


The other option is clicking on name plates of the actual players and using the hotkeys to cast heals, buffs, etc.... but is this an efficient way or should I force myself (no pun intended) to heal using the F keys?


If you guys and gals can give me some advice on how to become a good healer in terms of mechanics.. I would greatly appreciate it. I've already converted party frames to operation frames and brought it closer to the middle of the screen.


Should I invest in a Naga mouse and keybind party members to the side keys?


TLDR: What's the most efficient way to heal in terms of targeting party members and using heals? I'm just learning but I want to learn the optimal way from the beginning and hone my skills as I level up.


Personally, when I group heal, I enable the Operation Frames for groups option in the UI.


I then use that to click on their nameplates to target and hotkey to heal. There is no mouseover healing in this game to my knowledge so that'll do for now.

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Click party/raid frame. Press heal button. Prioritization, cool down timing, and thinking ahead are what you need to practice.


clicking frames is as optimal than selecting party members using F keys? To be honest... the G13 gamepad allows me to move and click at the same time, and the mouse allows me to select the target while clicking and moving.


I just thought if F keys were better, I'd train myself to do that instead.

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clicking frames is as optimal than selecting party members using F keys? To be honest... the G13 gamepad allows me to move and click at the same time, and the mouse allows me to select the target while clicking and moving.


I just thought if F keys were better, I'd train myself to do that instead.


F-keys won't be viable if you plan on Op healing. Better to get into the habit of raid frames.


Also, there's no risk of having some kind of mental disconnect where you see one guy's health is dropping but hit the F-key for another player and wasting heals... (I've done that before =\)

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Until we get a real UI the healing UI in this game is about 5 years behind.


Just hotkey all your heals, abilities. Learn where they are, place them in easy and fast to get to spots.


Click portrait/frame of player.

Press button for ability.


That's about all we can do now. Would love macros, or mouseover's, or a real group/raid frame. The UI is pretty bad.

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Until we get a real UI the healing UI in this game is about 5 years behind.


Just hotkey all your heals, abilities. Learn where they are, place them in easy and fast to get to spots.


Click portrait/frame of player.

Press button for ability.


That's about all we can do now. Would love macros, or mouseover's, or a real group/raid frame. The UI is pretty bad.


The op-frame that's in game now is... manageable.

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How do mouseover macros or mouseover heals work?


Do you mouse over the players nameplate or over the player?


How's a mouse over macro/healing different than using your mouse to click on the name frame?


I'm sorry, I'm a noob to all this.

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How do mouseover macros or mouseover heals work?


Do you mouse over the players nameplate or over the player?


How's a mouse over macro/healing different than using your mouse to click on the name frame?


I'm sorry, I'm a noob to all this.


Mouseover macros remove a button push from the Raid Frame --> Heal Procedure.


Without mouseover:

Mouse your cursor over the target.

Click on target.

Use Ability.


With mouseover.


Mouse your cursor over the target.

Use ability.


It seems like a trivial thing, but I've found it to be incredibly useful if you're required to use instant cast heals on other players while you're on the move.


Also, even though it's slight, it still is more efficient.

Edited by Bigguyonarock
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Mouseover macros remove a button push from the Raid Frame --> Heal Procedure.


Without mouseover:

Mouse your cursor over the target.

Click on target.

Use Ability.


With mouseover.


Mouse your cursor over the target.

Use ability.


It seems like a trivial thing, but I've found it to be incredibly useful if you're required to use instant cast heals on other players while you're on the move.


Also, even though it's slight, it still is more efficient.



By target do you mean their name plate or the actual player avatar?

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Perhaps I'm just too oldschool and been healing far too long (don't understand this "real ui" crap) but ultimately, it's about what works best for you. Some people are key pressers, some people are mouse clickers. I used to be an F-targeting healer, but it wasn't as optimal when I started using my MercStealth, so now I'm a click-targeting, but key presser for the actual skills.


Just play with it, see what works best for you.

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