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So they nerfed Tracer Missile


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True TM gets a 10% damage reduction, but now we can add power shot into our rotation and PS hits harder than TM. So now once our Heat signatures are up on the target we only need to use TM to keep them up every once in awhile. With the Barrage increase and now being able to use PS I think we'll see maybe a decrease of 3-4% damage over a 5 minute fight. I'll give up 4% damage to have a more variety of game play. Not too much of a nerf IMO
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True TM gets a 10% damage reduction, but now we can add power shot into our rotation and PS hits harder than TM. So now once our Heat signatures are up on the target we only need to use TM to keep them up every once in awhile. With the Barrage increase and now being able to use PS I think we'll see maybe a decrease of 3-4% damage over a 5 minute fight. I'll give up 4% damage to have a more variety of game play. Not too much of a nerf IMO


Variety? There is no such thing as variety in game play in regards to a dps rotation. You have optimal, and you have everything else. If you're willing to give up dps for "variety" you can give yourself variety and take a dps hit right now, before the nerf, by just refusing to spam Tracer Missile.

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Variety? There is no such thing as variety in game play in regards to a dps rotation. You have optimal, and you have everything else. If you're willing to give up dps for "variety" you can give yourself variety and take a dps hit right now, before the nerf, by just refusing to spam Tracer Missile.


Except that Optimal at this point means we out dps everyone else in the game with one button skill and there is an obvious nerf coming, this isn't too bad. I was just seeing the silver lining since everyone knew the nerf was coming. The tone of my response was completely missed if you think I would sacrifice DPS for Variety. This doesn't destroy our class and gives us an extra weapon. We'll still be right up there.

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any arsenal worth his salt was hitting unload every time barrage poppped.


unload is our best dps strike ... HSM may compete with a 10% boost


in the end a 5 stack in pvp will be if you are unlucky... in pve I think we just got some love


there is no more change to the rotation though really, i think it is funny




it will still be




after which you will cast unload every time barrage pops and HS and Rail whenever up


i mean it is exactly the same rotation, BUT now the animation will be different!!!! ohnoz! I think it is a social experiment by Bioware to see how much animations affect perception


someone should be doing a PHD on this shtuff...


not sure where the "more complex" rotation is coming from... or maybe they just killed the "i dont need a rotation" people... never met one of those, the only people i ever saw spamming tracer were people who made BH alts so they could make stupid youtube vidieos

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It won't from me as long as I have to look like I'm trying to squeeze out a turd every time I want to proc a rail shot reset. Thanks, jerkwads.


i will smile all day knowing that you get the animation, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy

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