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Assult/Gunnery build ideas.


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Hey guys, what do you think about this hybrid build?




The purpose behind this build would be:


#1 grav round for armor debuff

#2 Indec. round for DoT

#3 maximize HiB and full auto damage.


you would start off with grav round to apply the debuff

Indec. round for the Dot and High friction bolts buff

HiB on cooldown.

Full auto when HiB is on CD (also helps with Ionic Accelerator to proc HiB again)

Charged rounds for Ionic Accelerator (except for 1 round of grav round to maintain debuff)


one downside to this that i can see, is that all the money makers are effected by a +30% crit damage buff (vs the pure damage buff of gunnery), so this build would require massive amounts of crit to be truly viable, however you could skip on the surge since it would all be built into the spec... let me know what you guys think!

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Hey guys, what do you think about this hybrid build?




The purpose behind this build would be:


#1 grav round for armor debuff

#2 Indec. round for DoT

#3 maximize HiB and full auto damage.


you would start off with grav round to apply the debuff

Indec. round for the Dot and High friction bolts buff

HiB on cooldown.

Full auto when HiB is on CD (also helps with Ionic Accelerator to proc HiB again)

Charged rounds for Ionic Accelerator (except for 1 round of grav round to maintain debuff)


one downside to this that i can see, is that all the money makers are effected by a +30% crit damage buff (vs the pure damage buff of gunnery), so this build would require massive amounts of crit to be truly viable, however you could skip on the surge since it would all be built into the spec... let me know what you guys think!


Looking at your goals for what you were trying to accomplish with this build:


For #1: Without gravity surge, it's going to take 5 grav rounds to max out the debuff. This is going to drain your ammo.


For #2: You're lacking Burnout for targets under 30% hp.


For #3: You're missing out on Rotary cannon that increases Full Auto's damage by 33% and Charged Barrel which increases HIB damage by 6% per stack.


in conclusion, you're going to be ammo starved with next to 0 burst potential.

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Good call on the 33% damage buff of full auto, and the 30% boost to HiB. That makes it better regardless of if it crits or not.


You would get 1 ammo back when you hit with HiB so that would help the ammo situation


You would shoot off more HiB shots, so would that make up for the non-crits?

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