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Neewbie Questions.


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Hi Guys,


Been playing for a couple of weeks now and totally loving this game. But i have a couple of questions....


Firstly - whats with Social points? Do i need them? I am not the most sociable of people :-), i don't tend to group, preferring to try and solo everything I can, but obviously i cant solo the Heroic missions. There is also an early mission on Drommund Kaas asking me to get 1 social point. Well i have grouped with other about 3 times now, completed some Heroic quests in groups etc. but still not even 1 social point? What am i doing wrong?


Next is it me or is it real laggy on Balmorra? I have only been there today, but i seem to drop to a few fps in places there. Checked the amount of people on Balmorra just now and there was 23 and i was lagging - so to test i flew to the Imperial Fleet, about 56 peeps there and i am running fine? I have turned down effects such as grass etc. no difference - any ideas?


Lastly, (for now :-)), and this may be a stupid one.... But have BioWare 'English'ised' the voice overs for the Euro servers? Only every now and then i seem to be talking to NPC's that just don't sound right... I have today spoken to Imperial Officers with very Welsh accents, another NPC who was Scottish and a quintessentially English accented Sith Lord.... Now i am all for tailoring the game to its audience, but somehow the Sith dont seem so dark and brooding when they have an impeccable accent and speak the queens (or should that be the Emporer's?), English! Not sure if i had to kill someone, or invite them round for a spot of tea and a darn good telling off.


Maybe its just me :-)



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Social points give you access to some unique items at different social levels, such as mounts and orange (modifiable) armour sets. The quest you have is to reach Social I, which I believe is 10 social points. Depending on which side you are on, just run Black Talon or Esseles once in a group and you should get the required points, then you find the social vendor in Kaas City/Coruscant, buy the social emblem (I forget the name), click it, and the quest is done. As far as how you gain social points, you get them when your group talks to the quest NPCs and participates in the dialogue, winning a roll (your character speaks) gives you more points.


Well, I had something written up about Balmorra but then I re-read what you wrote and decided to delete it. Balmorra has always had a little bit of lag, but not much, for me whereas I lag in spurts on Fleet because of the mounts. I'm apt to say that's just the way Balmorra is for some because I recall threads before about FPS drops there when I never experienced them like others were. Maybe someone else has an idea and will post.


Empire = European accents. There's been numerous threads on the subject if you feel like searching for them. Me? I absolutely love the accents and that's probably at least part of the reason why I have three level 50s on the Empire side at the moment. There's also some 'jokes' about the accents tossed in to some quests if you pay attention; I've come across at least one on the Republic side and one on the Empire side that I can recall, both on Taris but one was class-specific (Trooper).

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Hi Guys,

Been playing for a couple of weeks now and totally loving this game. But i have a couple of questions....

Firstly - whats with Social points?

Check out the sticky at the top of this forum called "New Players Fleet Pass" which contains links to very informative posts on all sorts of topics. Definitely worth working your way through that as and when you have questions, or have a spare half hour and want to learn about all the game has to offer.


but somehow the Sith dont seem so dark and brooding when they have an impeccable accent and speak the queens (or should that be the Emporer's?), English! Not sure if i had to kill someone, or invite them round for a spot of tea and a darn good telling off.


Maybe its just me :-)


I think you must have missed the Hollywood convention memo then, the one that says that all evil but intelligent bad guys have English accents :)

Next time you watch a Hollywood movie keep an eye (and ear) out for English accents and what kind of characters they are associated with!


And in terms of Star Wars itself, think of some of the bad guys throughout the series: Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin), Christopher Lee (Darth Tyranus), Clive Revill (voice of Emperor), Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine) ... and more besides.

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