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Balanced PVP - Great Job BW


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Previous comment above.. You say its blanaced .. based on what Try playing republic. On my server . Were out numbered out geared and out lvled on every field. There are horrid gaps between Classes abilities - Some just chain stun you wail others have so many knock backs that you can hardly move forward. Not to mention the fact that some even have the ability to be dam near invincible for shot periods of time .. short being like 13 seconds witch in pvp is a life time. As for 1.2 I find it hilarious that pl have said above that bioware has stated they are not focusing on pvp as a good majority of the next "big patch" is based almost exclusively around pvp with some fun emotes added to keep the RP players happy.


The worst thing about most mmos i have found is that the PVP community whines the most and the loudest so they get all the attention Like a 3 year old. But those of us whom enjoy playing when were off work ,between paying our bills, and raising our children. Get the shaft as we generally don't have the time to post everyday in a forum. What i would like to see would be the True development of Single player and casual player benefits.


I'm not saying in anyway that im going to quit or leave I very much love this game on many levels But i don't believe that the " trolls " of the forums should have that much influence on the devs decisions on the game mechanics. Its to me like listening to advice form your terrible 2's and then fallowing up on it. We have all seen that happen many a time. I don't believe i have to mention the other games that said " Trolls" Have ruined with there insensible whining. - Well i hope this helps a lil. But i do have to strongly disagree with there being balance. things still need to be flushed out. But ill give it time. Thanks and have a good day.

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Genuinely, balance is pretty good right now, and easily the best PVP balance overall from a MMO in years. A few very minor tweaks could be added, but nothing major.


If balance is so good right now, why are they monkeying around massively with class abilities in 1.2? A few adjustments I could understand but go look at the patch notes and you'll see my point.

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