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Legacy: Tales of the Shaffer Clan and Friends


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The Shaffer Legacy-

The Ridiculously Short Introduction


“I-it's.... Just s-so... Damned cold here!” Muttered a particularly heavily dressed man, sitting along an ice shelf next to a similarly dressed man. “I... I just cannot wait to return to the Missus on Bespin... Instead of sitting here, freezing to death as we wait for a wampa to come and drag us to it's cave!”

The man next to the complainer smiled at him sympathetically, “Don't worry mate, the boss-man said that we would only be here for a couple weeks while he salvages some ship parts from the ruins here. We will be back in space, raiding and pillaging as we see fit in no time!”

The first man sighed, “I know what the boss-man said, and I believe him, you know? I just am worried, we've already lost Barry, Luca, Henrique and Jerome to the cold here, Eric and Larry were dragged off by a wampa, and heck, even Mickey was killed by a tauntaun of all things! I am just afraid we will never make out of the outer rim worlds! Much less Bespin.”

“Have no fear my brother, pretty soon we will be out of here and you can go take your missus to a ni-”

A sabotage charge, several charged bursts and an aimed shot later, and both men were dead on the ground, their bodies riddled with holes from the blaster shots. A man in a pilot's helmet, orange cloak, and big white-and-grey gloves approached the two corpses, and checked each of their pulses, and took the credits from within their pockets. A measly amount, but should pay for a taxi ride back to Aurek.

“Cruel, malicious murderers... The lot of them...” Muttered the man, he turned to his companion, “Okay, so the bonus mission is finished! Good Force that was a lot of White Maw Pirates... Want to use the speeder or quick travel?”

“I am a companion, I really can't make a decision, I just follow you wherever you go until you decide you want a healer around.” The companion muttered.

Quick travel it was. “You know, I wonder why the Republic is willing to send in a drop ship every time I am too lazy to use my own speeder to go back to the quest hubs. I mean, I use “The Outlaw” as my title...”

Deet deet deet. Vwoooommmmmm.....


End of Ridiculously short introduction

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The Post Intro Introduction.


The Tales of the Shaffer clan and Friends is a collection of small stories involving the Shaffer Family and those related to them. They are not going in any chronological order, so a story of how William got out of a wampa cave on Hoth is not necessarily taking place after his search for the elusive female rakghoul.


Here is a small list of main characters.


William- A stupendously daring smuggler, he is known for carrying weapons to rebelling planets, supporting the Republic wherever he can. However, William is naive and somewhat inept, and so, it gets him into a lot of trouble on many occasions. (Cyborg Smuggler)


Hector- William's Half-Brother, he is a relentless Bounty Hunter, the epitome of professionalism and gluttony. He may be larger than most, but do not doubt his skills with the blaster. He is known for getting drunk before he goes after his target, as opposed to after. (Human Bounty Hunter)


Victoria- William's Sister, snarky and street wise, she is an SIS Agent in the Coruscant Underworld. She is undercover as a Black Sun Agent, and has connection to every major gang on Coruscant's streets. (Human Republic Agent)


"Uncle" Sleth- The man who originally got Hector off of Ord Mantell, he is like the father that Hector never had. He was old when he joined the Sith, and is old now, he is currently contemplating a way to most artistically eliminate his apathetic master. (Human Inquisitor)


A'Li- Republic Special Forces Company Sargeant A'Li is Victoria's best friend and old servicemate. With all of the relentlessness of Hector, combined with a fervor for the Republic matched only by M1-4X, she is a true brute on the battlefield. (Twi'lek Trooper)


Jay'Van- A Jedi Knight who prefers to act more like a mercenary, he is the famous, "Jedi-for-hire", he travels across the galaxy, looking for work and money. While his actions are frowned upon, nothing he has done technically violates any Jedi law or code. As such, he enjoys the Republic's protection. One of William's best friends. (Zabrak Knight)

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