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Legacy what is the Deal????????


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so why the big hoop for opening an other race to what you have or havent played as yet?


why not open up your companions to be fully custom that sounds to me like a LVL 50 kind of treat. by this i mean put the companion races out for all characters to use and then add a few extra maybe even start it lower level like around LVL 40 you can pick you companion there class and what they will do for you. im playing a sith marauder and a jedi shadow and i got a good companion with the sith , but my jedis companion is hard to do anything with or i just havent figured him out but i spend more time healing the lizard than i do playing sometimes.

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Tanking companions are VERY gear dependant. As in, they should be in blue gear. DPS companions also are somewhat needy in that area. Healing Companions less so.



That's about all I can say. Your post is borderline incomprehensible.



Spelling, capitalization, and good syntax are virtues, people.

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so why the big hoop for opening an other race to what you have or havent played as yet?


why not open up your companions to be fully custom that sounds to me like a LVL 50 kind of treat. by this i mean put the companion races out for all characters to use and then add a few extra maybe even start it lower level like around LVL 40 you can pick you companion there class and what they will do for you. im playing a sith marauder and a jedi shadow and i got a good companion with the sith , but my jedis companion is hard to do anything with or i just havent figured him out but i spend more time healing the lizard than i do playing sometimes.


They'd have to do an awful lot of tweaking,refining,creating and more of cutscenes throughout the game to compensate for randomly picked companions,companion weapons and the like.


Nice idea but so much work involved you probably won't see it for a long time or never see it.

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