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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For real, BIOWARE?


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ffs bioware/ea get some comon sence...... ppl are leaving the game and you reward the rest with maint at peaktime ?????? you guys just dont want to have players for your game.... if you guys keep this up more WILL leave.... maint is important but comon PEAKTIME???? and we do pay per month so just dont take the game time away for us at evenings..... im seriously thinking of stopping my supc if you guys keep this up...


comon we want to play so have maint in mornings/night comon

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My internet just came back on for a reliably long time and so I was going to log in to play... but no, bioware has to be adding a new patch or whatever, despite the fact that it's thursday and they patched the game on tuesday... >_>
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Except for the part where that never happened.


Dont be so sure m8, many ppl abandon swtor.

My server got 120 online at fleet 2 weeks ago and now we got barely 30.

As i saw many servers got the same problem

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zomg Blizz! DubbyateeEff! what TF are you trying to do to us? How dare you try to fix any one of the multitude of issues with your game that all of us forum trash complain about on a daily basis? Like, hello? I payed my 15 a month to play whenever I want, and they pee on my focking rug?

That rug really tied the room together, did it not? The Europeans are not the issue here...

I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, man... across this line you do not... Am I wrong?

Anybody see where this is going? Take a pill bro. Get one of your nice warm European beers and chill for a couple minutes.

Edited by Ewoktookmyspeedr
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Another QQ thread.


You are surprised? peak time downtime to do maintenance not causing anger would be surprising.

If they would actually put in the launcher what its for an how long, I suspect most would grumble but not go ballistic.

Edited by Khamil
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Except for the part where that never happened.


hehe exactly =) if I were running Bio I would be thrilled by the exsessive amount of whining. It tells how much ppl cares.


If you didnt were into swtor you wouldnt even be bothering with posting complaints. The more active the complaint-department is the popular is probably the game.

You simple dont care enough to spend energy whining on something you aint interested in.

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