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PVP pyrotech´s must master the art of Kiting?


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I currently have and love my Merc Pyro-tech in PVP. One thing that quickly becomes apparent is the general thing of keeping your enemy at bay. If you allow the enemy to get close your achilles heel is revealed. Since our CC capabilities are some what limited, and in my opinion on a too long CD, the best thing to do is to keep them at afar. These CC abilities are super important since we are not blessed with any out´s like stealth or sprint


In this thread i would like response on the different tactics involved in taking down the different classes individually. Which Abilities to start with, what abilities to wait for from your enemy before using stun etc.


Currently i am having trouble with Juggs/Marauders because of their force jump, and their crazy shield where they take no real dam for a while. When they activate the shield i see the importance of getting distance between you and him/her because of their invulnerability. How would you best handle the situation of tanking down these jumping spider monkeys?


Also the trouble of the backstabbing operatives. They have a lot of CC abilities,starting with dropping you to the ground, shocking you, flash, disappear and repeat again. Best tactics for taking down back stabbing bundles of joy?


Further more, any tactics for the others classes are more than welcome.


Also on how to best kite your enemy, it is hard to hit while showing your back towards to your enemy and jumping and turning slows you down. Where can you strafe most effectively(areas that are pref. for combat) and where can you use the terrain best (small hints) in the different War zones?


Basically any hints/tricks that can help the Pyro-techs out there within the realm of PVP. Lets improve on the overall lethality of Pyro-techs :eek:

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Not much you can do to either class.


Jumping monkeys - electro dart>push them>give two three shots with your basic attack, usually it will proc. sweltering heat slow down (if you have points in it). And run :).


Agents - hmm, I usually die to fast to do anything to them. Sometimes if they are slow, I can un-stun myself, bubble up and drop thermal detonator on them. Some of them get scared by big "Whooom" when it blows up and they leave you alone. Kiting would not work with them as they have more tools keep you "sedated" ;).

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