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Newb Merc Questions


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Just made a BH alt, went merc. Im not sure if I want to go heals, tracer, or that cool hybrid spec I see floating around.


What I wanted to know was what abilities I mainly use as those three specs DPS wise.


IE if you get tracer missile does power shot go away? Do all specs use rail shot?


If I spec pure healer what abilities do I use to dps when soloing or if I am in 1v1 pvp or trying to assist in dps?


I know some ACs/specs kiss goodbye to certain abilities, but its tough to tell without experience. I am trying to map out my hotkeys so I am looking for some insight.


The one hugely different thing about this game is the amount of DPS abilities you have as a healer, makes key binding kind of funky. I want to figure that all out now so that I can get my muscle memory going, and the first big step is knowing your rotation and knowing what buttons to ditch.

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What im asking is, if I go that route, what are my main attacks and what are the attacks I wont use anymore?


once you are specced well your primary skills will be



Tracer missle (it needs a 5 stack of buffs/debuffs)

Heat seaker (top of arsenal tree)

Unload (biggest hitter we have, esp with tracer missile debuffs on target)



secondary dps (not part of standard rotation but allows you to burst more at a heat cost)

explosive dart

fusion missile (yay a dot)

rocket punch

Death from above (aoe big boy)

sweeping blasters (aoe little boy)



at top end you will rarely use powershot or missile blast


Non DPS:


electro dart (short term stun)

Jet boost (aoe knockback

concussion missle (long term stun)

healing scan/rapid scan (heals)

chaff flare (anti-agro tool)

cure (remove negative effects)

power sheild (damage reduction)

kolto overload (an oh **** button 1k heal with a small healing tick, primarily used WITH power sheild)


off the top of my head those are the principle Arsenal hotkeys

Edited by Yazule
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