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Hybrid Advice

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This is a hybrid spec I am working towards. The main goal is solid heals with Concussive force in gunnery. Grav round is there for extra debuff on targets in pvp and I am aware that it might be less effective soon and this build would do fine with Charged bolts in that event.


Any suggestions?

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This build is indeed extremely strong as you get enormous survivability (heal + 35/45/55/80% armor damage reduction, depending on activated abilities, not counting the guard) and good DPS. IMO the best build/class for 1vs1 (or even 1vsN) in the game. Drawbacks is ammo efficiency because no cell charger talent, and lack of burst heal.


I personally would not take the gravity surge talent , drop the 2% alacrity talent, and put those 2 points in tenacious defense.


We will see how it goes in the 1.2. Hopefully this build and its variant will still be viable. Well there will be still full heal, which has also a good balance of heal/surviability/dps (more biaised on heals of course, but can still be very efficient in 1vs1, and IMO better in small organized group setting)

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Your missing the most important point in a CM/Gunnery build.




Alacrity is way overrated use those points somewhere else. IE Ironsights and Tenacious Defense.


Also, Kolto Residue is overrated as well, I dont even use that when I'm full CM spec in pvp.

Edited by Sokee
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This is a hybrid spec I am working towards. The main goal is solid heals with Concussive force in gunnery. Grav round is there for extra debuff on targets in pvp and I am aware that it might be less effective soon and this build would do fine with Charged bolts in that event.


Any suggestions?


I'm using a similar build myself, however with a few changes.





Gunnery Tree:


Ironsight is too good to miss, it makes a very big difference. 9% extra Aim - our most important stat!


Advanced Tech isn't that great, 2% is not enough for spending 2 points in it.


Otherwise your choices for gunnery are good.



Assault Tree:

Alacrity isn't worth it. The difference it makes it tiny. It's a tier1 talent, I rather spend that 1 point higher up in another tree.


Combat Medic Tree:

I'd skip First Responder, personally I feel that Alacrity is totally pointless.


Efficient Conversion is decent and saves you a bit of ammo. My concussion charge and cryo grange is almost always on cooldown = used often.


Combat Shield is a must. I only discovered how good it is recently. If you end up in a 1on1 with a Merc/Vanguard/Mara they can stun/interrupt you non-stop. If you use your shield you have a 12sec window to heal and take them down. It makes a big difference!


Psych Aid is very good, it means you can remove Sorcerers dots off yourself or team mates. Those dots can do a huge amount of damage and effectively negates their main damage.

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I'm using a similar build myself, however with a few changes.





I run almost exactly the same build, i only use Med Zone instead of Treated Wound dressings. Though, i lately consider dropping Kolto Residue in favour of First Responder.


Ironsight is too good to miss, it makes a very big difference. 9% extra Aim - our most important stat!



It boosts damage and healing, no reason ever to skip it. Especially since Advanced Tech is very lacking.



Efficient Conversion is decent and saves you a bit of ammo. My concussion charge and cryo grange is almost always on cooldown = used often.


Combat Shield is a must. I only discovered how good it is recently. If you end up in a 1on1 with a Merc/Vanguard/Mara they can stun/interrupt you non-stop. If you use your shield you have a 12sec window to heal and take them down. It makes a big difference!


Psych Aid is very good, it means you can remove Sorcerers dots off yourself or team mates. Those dots can do a huge amount of damage and effectively negates their main damage.


I agree on all of those.



I'd skip First Responder, personally I feel that Alacrity is totally pointless.

This is the only point where i slowly start to change my mind. As long as i ran with "of the mill" gear, the influence of Alacrity indeed was insignificant, but on my higher level gear now it starts being useful.


If speccing into it makes any difference now, i can't tell yet, but i think i will try.

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This is the only point where i slowly start to change my mind. As long as i ran with "of the mill" gear, the influence of Alacrity indeed was insignificant, but on my higher level gear now it starts being useful.


If speccing into it makes any difference now, i can't tell yet, but i think i will try.


Sorry to hijack the thread.


Yes I'm not sure, I base my dislike of alacrity on not having much and only seeing a tiny improvement in cast times. But I have wondered about First Responder, it says "increasing alacrity by 10%" Does that mean you cast 10% faster or is it +10% on any Alacrit stats you have.. which if you have 0 is 0 improvement.


I'll admit that the healing cast times can feel very slow sometimes specially if you use this type of hybrid when you don't have the top talent instant cast healing ability.

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I run almost exactly the same build, i only use Med Zone instead of Treated Wound dressings. Though, i lately consider dropping Kolto Residue in favour of First Responder..


I agree on that. Really not sure the Kolto Residue is that great, 5% improvement on healing for a short period isn't a that great, specially if you're not even sure who received the kolto (seems quite random who gets hit by it).

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Yes I'm not sure, I base my dislike of alacrity on not having much and only seeing a tiny improvement in cast times. But I have wondered about First Responder, it says "increasing alacrity by 10%" Does that mean you cast 10% faster or is it +10% on any Alacrit stats you have.. which if you have 0 is 0 improvement.


I have not tested that yet, but i guess it is additive, like most other boni in this game. Thus the actual increase in cast time would be the same with first responder, no matter if your alacrity is at 0 or not. (If i remember correctly, it also shaved off like 0.05 seconds of cast time, even when i had 0 alacrity. So i guess it will do the same now. )


No guarantees on anything here. I fully agree that with "normal" gear, the alacrity skills are not worth the skillpoints. I guess you're better of reading RuQus analysis. (According to his analysis, i'd still be below the level where alacrity indeed is beneficial, and that's for the stat, not the skills. But i run with alacrity since replacing all the mods requires me to earn my PvP armours a second time, which will still take a while, considering my casual PvP-ing. )

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