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This is an awesome game


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Let me start a thread on what i like about this game, and focus away from the negative!


1.)This game saves me money.

hard to believe right? but it does, it costs me 15 bucks a month. Normally i buy a new game for 60 dollars.


2.) This game is fully voice acted, WOW was all text which i hated for doing quests.

Nobody would pay any attention to what was going on


3.) Game is one of the best looking MMO's i have ever played.


4.)Game has been released for less than 3 months, and the support team is working hard to release content.


5.) good player base



1. Agree


2. That's exactly why the internet is ridden with people that struggle to read or understand one sentence.


3. Agree


4. There has been no content.


Just fixing the broken content we have and breaking the content that was ok.


5. Highly disagree.


This is the worse player base. Half the players think this game is "hard" when I have never seen an easier to play game in my life. Everything is straight forward and if you are bad at this game...you might as well give up MMOs all together.

Edited by Tiaa
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Glad that your enjoying the game. if people start giving you a hard time for you enjoying it just ingore them what matter is that you like if if they dont like it they dont have to play/or pay plain as that.... though there is a few people with good construtive crit and things that BW know and is working on.. But over all glad to have you aboard if you are on kelly void i play empire and shadowhand i play republic so come say hi anytime
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I want more choice, less linear gameplay (like wow, several zones in the same level range so I can chose if I want to go belsavis or planet xyz).


- Less traveltime, I got a spaceship, let me land where I please.

- Less instancing in the world, sure storymode and all that, but I feel so alone.

- A proper dungeon finder, so I can queue up while doing quests or something (comunity is broken on servers with less then 100 people on fleet during primetime, I dont care about your high population servers).

- Shorter crafting time, It's a game, not real life, I dont want to wait 1-2 hours for some of the stuff I'm crafting.

- Disable ship robot feature, I want to scavange that piece of junk, atleast let me deactivate him or put him in a pod on the outside of the ship, that anoying thing even talks to me when I logg in on fleet with another companion.

- Dungeons in the wild with quests that fit the theme, kinda like the heroic quests but as flashpoints, it would be so much cooler if you get a instance on belsavis that is tied to the non class quest or something).


There are probably a few more things I would like to have added, like guild feautres and modable ui, preferably addons, I'm picky about how things look, moving and scaling is a start but not enough for me).

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All good input thank you!


I like the fact they added the datacrons for incentive of exploration and adding additional info to your codex.


What i would like more of is... more datacrons ;)


AND more incentive to go back to planets so you can increase (faction/reputation)


give players some unique rewards ;O

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