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Combat before Blade Rush


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Im currently 32, been watchman since day 1. Finally decided to give combat a try.


I liked the 15% movement speed buff. Trash mobs die alot sooner (duh damage not based on burns) but elites/bosses were alot harder. Did miss the healing from watchman too as I notice im ending most encounters with alot less life, but im not dying, so i guess it doesnt really matter.


I do both pvp and pve.


So far in both I notice I do a ton more damage than watchman up front. However with watchman that damage is consistent and keeps going. Where with combat, after my initial burst, i find myself at a loss for what to do, it seems like I get a huge lead on players in pvp or bosses, and then they just catch up and pass me by before i can burst again.


Im guessing this is due to not having blade rush yet. So what do you do as combat pre 40?


Currently I leap in, zealous, precision, masterstrike or slash, Bladestorm once ataru has proced.


Thanks for the info.


Really liking combat. At the moment my personal experience says i do better with watchman, but ive always liked to be something other than the "popular" spec.

Edited by TristQueloon
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Im currently 32, been watchman since day 1. Finally decided to give combat a try.


I liked the 15% movement speed buff. Trash mobs die alot sooner (duh damage not based on burns) but elites/bosses were alot harder. Did miss the healing from watchman too as I notice im ending most encounters with alot less life, but im not dying, so i guess it doesnt really matter.


I do both pvp and pve.


So far in both I notice I do a ton more damage than watchman up front. However with watchman that damage is consistent and keeps going. Where with combat, after my initial burst, i find myself at a loss for what to do, it seems like I get a huge lead on players in pvp or bosses, and then they just catch up and pass me by before i can burst again.


Im guessing this is due to not having blade rush yet. So what do you do as combat pre 40?


Currently I leap in, zealous, precision, masterstrike or slash, Bladestorm once ataru has proced.


Thanks for the info.


Really liking combat. At the moment my personal experience says i do better with watchman, but ive always liked to be something other than the "popular" spec.


Blade Rush will directly replace Slash on your bar once you get it. So until you hit 40, anytime you have Focus but nothing to spend it on, Slash your heart out. What I did while leveling Combat was this...


Leap (4 focus) 1.5 seconds

Zealous (10) 3 seconds

Precision (7) 4.5 seconds

Master Strike (7) (somewhere in all that damage I proc'd combat trance, usually) 7.5 seconds

Blade Storm (5) (guaranteed crit, and still having Precision up) 9 seconds

Slash (2) (without Focused Slash in the Watchman tree while leveling, it is expensive) 10.5 seconds

Strike (4) 12 seconds

Strike (6) 13.5 seconds

Zealous (12) and go from there, interweave Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike when possible, they hit hard and cost nothing.


Cauterize without Watchman talents is next to worthless bang for buck ratio. Force Sweep will become viable, but only once you have points in Watchman to reduce the Focus cost. At most, you'll end up Striking every now and then between Precision/Zealous/BS/MS cooldowns, but it isn't much.

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