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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Seeking Armormech on "Dreshdae Cantina"


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Seeking an Armormech on server: Dreshdae Cantina.


I'm level 37 Vanguard Trooper with Cybertech.


Looking for someone TO CRAFT A COMPLETE SET of really cool looking HEAVY ARMOR.

... tired of wearing miss matched armor. I run flashpoints over and over but keep getting chest and gloves... lol


examples could be: RD-15A Hawk, TH-15A Corpsman, TH-15A Medic Commando, TT-15A Powertech


I found all of these on a website (thumbnail pics) and they looked good. If you can craft something different but equally cool that would work too.


I can pay with $$$, materials, or mods, droid parts, grenades, etc..



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I made a great looking set of level 43 orange gear for my buddy who is a bounty hunter. I'm not on his server, but I'll try to give you the name of the set tomorrow. Look for it on the GTN, maybe you can find it so you can see the appearance.
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