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Levelling questions


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I have 2 questions regarding levelling.


First, what is the progression of planets? I'm level 16 and almost done with DK. Just wondering where I'm heading next.


Second, I am having a problem with every other mob. If all of my abilities are off cooldown, my attack pattern goes something like this:


Force Leap > Rupture > Battering Assault > Ravage > Force Scream > Assault + Vicious Slash til dead.


This works great and with Vette blasting away the mob goes down quick.


The only problem is, this leaves me with no abilities to use on the next mob. Sometimes Rupture will come off CD, but by that point the mob is like half dead and not worth using.


What I have started doing is using Rupture and Ravage in different fights unless the mob is a formidable opponent.


Anybody got any better suggestion?


Please note, this is only for consecutive single-target fights. On groups I use different abilities.

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Not trying to be an ***...But why is this even a question that needs to be asked on a forum ?


If you are just progressing through the story, you basically get directed to the correct planets as per progression, and the level progression for which they are most efficient is found simply on a mouseover in the Galaxy map on your ship.


But anyways...since you DID ask :


1. DK

2. Balmorra

3. Nar Shaddaa

4. Tatooine

5. Alderaan

6. Taris

7. Quesh

8. Hoth

9. Belsavis

10. Voss

11. Corellia


That would be the rough progression. Of course you can jump ahead before going back to an earlier planet to complete your heroics/bonus series etc.

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At the time I asked I didn't have my ship yet and couldn't find anywhere online that showed what the level range for each planet was.


I just like to know where I'm going so I can research some of the quests and such while at work so I know what to do when I get home and log on.

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