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1 point: Jedi Crusader vs DW mastery


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Looking for ways to optimize builds.


What do you all think?

JC gives pretty much 1 focus every 3 secs.

When I'm thinking Battering assault on a 12 sec cd, giving 6 focus , this actually has a lot of value.


How worth is it giving up a DW mastery?

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I'm in the same position... 12% offhand damge vs. that extra focus once per 3s (well, not guaranteed but law of averages). Right now I'm sticking w/ the offhand damage simply because my rotation rarely runs into focus problems. I think it really depends on your skill rotation and how often you find yourself waiting on focus/focus CD's.
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u can always spam more slash ...


If you worded like this would it be false; it's like a battering assault on half a cooldown, every other BA skips gcd - all this with the requirement that you're being hit. Basically 10 focus every 30 secs if u're being hit, who can say no to that? Skip 5 gcds of strikes, replace it with slashes at minimum...


If u think about a 12 sec rotation, how many white attacks are there usually? Leap, BA, Strike x2, Annihilate, Strike, this is the most u get. 6 attacks. Say that's 180 extra dmg from dw mastery. What if you replaced those 2 strikes with 2 slashes, that's definitely more dps in comparison, also works well with the cd reset of cauterize. Even if u did 1 more slash vs strike every 12 secs, that's a lot more dps.

Edited by muradi
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where is easymodex , he knows the math behind this.

How much raw dps is 1 point in dw mastery worth?

It doesn't effect dots, it is flat out 40 damage with 70% chance to hit. 25% chance to do 173% dmg... What is that like +30 to dps not including dots? How much overall dps is that .. ugh

Edited by muradi
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