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Newbie question regarding sith juggernaut immortal soloing build


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Heya, new to mmo!! Like really new!! So i was wondering, abt certain thing regarding sith juggernaut... I dont think i hav problem with the build bcoz im going for 31/10 build and i hav read the sticky for build, and hav a firm grasp knowledge of leveling a sith juggernaut with immortal build.


Distributing points: should i put point first into vengeance tree?? And then go into immortal build?


Equipment: how do i salvage equipment?? I mean shld i just use from quest? Or buy it on the auction house?? Which one is better? Currently im getting my equipment from auction house.


Companion: im using vette, is it a good choice?? Also wat equipment shld i giv her? Using dual

Blaster or one rifle??? Which equipment is the most critical i should update for her? Her weapon? Armors?? Or everything?



P/s: im just level 16, immortal build

Edited by siggymas
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When you get Quinn, use him > heal + dps.

You will truely be immortal. (mostly)



As for gear,picking up quest gear is fine but start building an orange kit. You can keep it all the way through and mod it with your crew skills and/or using commendations for mods.


Hope that helps a bit.

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Although Vette can equip a Blaster Rifle, she can't use her Abilities with it. Just her autoattack. So I'd recommend sticking with dual Blaster Pistols.


As for gearing her up during the level process, anything with Cunning, Power, Crit, Surge, Accuracy, Tech Power. I'm actually debating an experimental Alacrity build on her, since most of her Abilities have channel or cast times, but I'm overall not impressed with Alacrity to begin with. It just doesn't seem to have as much of an effect as it should.


I levelled up entirely as Immortal, adding the Venge points at the end. Though I had friends to tank for along the way. If you're not doing FPs on your way up you may want to consider a DPS spec to get you there.

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I leveled up entirely as Immortal, adding the Venge points at the end. Though I had friends to tank for along the way. If you're not doing FPS on your way up you may want to consider a DPS spec to get you there.


^^ This. early on, your biggest issue will be rage generation. most the rage generation tools you will have are in the immortal tree, so start working up that. as a matter of fact, two skills in the first immortal tier are golden for rage efficiency. a free force scream every time you leap (very heavy hitter), and an extra rage point every sunder strike really helps out at the low levels.


On Gear: quest gear can be fine. when the option comes up to get a commendation rather then a gear piece in a quest though, i'd suggest you take it. the commendations can be used to buy new gear from vendors or mods to put into your orange gear (many commendation vendors have moddable gear for sale too!) Each planet will have one equipment commendations vendor and one equipment vendor.


option 2 is crafting. takes more time, but many people enjoy the crafting aspect, as you can make other items for friends as well, or sell your extras at the GMT (auction house) for more creds. Cybertech can make mods for your moddable (orange) gear, synthweaving can make you better gear then you'll get on quests...artifice can make you mods for your lightsaber, etc.

lots of options, but not for everyone ( I love it personally ).


last option is the GMT. usually expensive to do for all your gear, but ill always keep an eye open for choice pieces. found a purple wrist for my Jugg the other day, perfect upgrade. but i avoid it if i can...realistically you can level just fine with what you get from qeusts and commendation rewards

Edited by Elyx
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