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Proposed changes to the Pyrotech Skill Tree

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System Calibrations and Advanced Targeting seem to be wasted talents in the Mercs pyro skill tree when compared to their counterparts skills in PTs pyro. Two changes could be made to bring them more inline.


1st: System Calibrations should be traded with either hired muscle or improved vents in the bodyguard tree. this skill serves no purpose in the pyro tree and its move would benefit Merc bodyguards as well. It seems like its placement was intentional to weaken both trees.


2nd: completely replace Advanced targeting as the stats from it can be gained completely in end game gear. A 3% increase is a complete joke and wont be missed. What it should be replaced with is a skill that buffs fusion missile since no skills exists that directly address it. The buff could be a reduced Cooldown, Cast time, Heat cost, or any form of damage or critical boost.

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