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The Mass Effect 3: Players start a petition imploring BioWare to change the ending


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News: The Mass Effect 3 drama continues as players start a petition imploring BioWare to change the Mass Effect 3 ending.


BioWare has been under heavy fire from fans since the release of Mass Effect 3. Negative reviews flooded Metacritic, the “From Ashes” DLC was slammed for possibly originally being a part of the game, and the producer’s Twitter was attacked by some very disappointed fans. Now players have decided to take matters further and ask BioWare to completely change the ending of Mass Effect 3.


According to GameFront, fans who are unsatisfied with the ending of Mass Effect 3 have started an online petition on the BioWare forum (if you haven’t finished the game, beware of spoilers!) as well as branching out to Facebook and Twitter. Fans are demanding that BioWare alter the ending through either a patch or a DLC. Already the poll in the BioWare forum has gathered more than 9,800 votes. Without going into detail, fans seem mostly disappointed that the choices you make during the game don’t affect the ending enough. Others complain that none of the few endings make enough sense or provide the player with satisfying closure.


You can can find out how or if BioWare will respond to player demands by checking out the latest Mass Effect 3 news right here on BeefJack.

As of 11:28 pm est 3/10/2012


Poll #1

Endings suck, we want a brighter one.


86%(11071 votes)



Endings are fine, we just want the Normandy strand on Earth or somewhere near Shepard.


11%(1444 votes)



Fine as it is.

3%(363 votes)


Poll #2


Yes, the endings were too bitter. I didn't mind the heavy sacrifices but I want some clearer clarifications/hope for the ending.


61%(1511 votes)



Yes, the endings were just badly written.


36%(907 votes)



No, the endings were suitable to the series. Changes will be an insult to the series' themes.


2%(44 votes)



Maybe, I don't care either way.


1%(20 votes)





I am a huge fan of Mass Effect but even me ..a die hard fan of ME3 can tell that these sucks.



Okay Ending 1.Shepard Sacrifices himself and the whole reaper fleet is retreating and the Normandy crashes lands on a planet and they is no way they can going back to earth .....so Basically Joker and EDI are going to reproduced ..and become the Adam and Eve of the planet.


Now..Ending 2.Shepard Survives but he is trapped on Earth with no mass Relays and what is even worse the all the aliens that have come to earth are trapped to.Joker and the Normandy mange to escape but from what i have seen... Joker and the crew land on a planet with no way to get off it.....THE END.


Both are really bad ways of ending this Trilogy..I am sorry Bioware but i have to say this. **** YOU!!!!!!!!!





Mass Effect 3 Leaves Me Angry – A Review (PC)


Posted by GamingShogun on Friday, March 9, 2012 · 7 Comments


So I just finished playing through Mass Effect 3 and thought I would write up my thoughts on this last in the first Mass Effect trilogy (not counting the mobile games). I am still decompressing a bit from a very intense gameplay experience, so there will be a lot of stream-of-consciousness typing here. Pardon me in advance. I will start this review by summing up Mass Effect 3 like so:


Mass Effect 3 is 40 hours of incredible story, ending with 10 minutes that invalidates the entire experience and will anger you. A lot.


I will save the seriously-spoiling details for after a warning below, so sit-tight. After firing up the game on my three-monitor PC gaming rig, I discovered that Mass Effect 3 does not support my widescreen resolution of 5760×1080. The menu and UI elements were all stretched in a strange way and it was not playable because of this. I turned my resolution back to 1920×1080 and finally got to begin my gaming experience. I don’t recall having this problem in Mass Effect 2, but I digress.


Mass Effect 3′s gameplay has been infused with a cover system which, on the consoles, works very well. Using keyboard and mouse on the PC, however, it seems that the developers believed that computer gamers like to use their spacebars for doing everything. Spacebar controls using things, engaging cover, jumping over objects, and sprinting. Hit spacebar too close to an object and you will duck behind it. Double click the spacebar while holding a direction key and you will Kirk-roll in that direction – unless, you are standing too close to cover and you have a good chance of utilizing it. Problem is, that you don’t always want to move to cover. Sometimes you want to run to a position or dodge. Using the spacebar for so many controls makes accurately-predicting what your character is about to do problematic when the heat of battle and fog of war take hold.


Graphically, Mass Effect 3 is just as nice to look at as Mass Effect 2. Not much has changed in this area. Sound design is also more of the same. Additionally, all the voice actors do a nice job of reprising their characters.


What positive things can be said about the game? Well, you will have a great time playing through Mass Effect 3 – awesome story arcs, character interactions, dialog choices. Just phenomenal. Seriously, a great gaming experience. Until the end.



The disappointing part of Mass Effect 3 is that you spend so much time planning out your dialog options, squad choices, etc that all of it ends up being practically meaningless. After about 40 hours of intense and exciting gameplay, no matter what you do, you end up with 3 possible endings. Endings which re-use the same cut-scenes (minus a few details in each iteration) and leave you feeling used and abused in a not-so-nice way. BioWare and Electronic Arts touted this game series as being all about player choice and character interaction. The last ten minutes of Mass Effect 3 completely ruins not only all of your choices in this game, but also your choices in the previous two games. This is a huge bait-and-switch on the part of BioWare and left me wondering what happened in the dev cycle to cause this.







In Mass Effect 2, you had a really well-crafted, choose-your-own-adventure end campaign of selecting crew members to do specific tasks and getting a great resolution showing the outcomes for each of them (despite the melodramatic “human reaper” thingy). So, gearing up for the final assault on the Reaper transport beam I found my first squad selection. I thought for several minutes – who shall I choose? What are the possible outcomes of doing so – fully-expecting another riveting end campaign sequence where these characters that I had grown to care about could survive or not. I selected two squad-mates and began the assault towards the beam. I kept waiting for more decisions – tasking crew members with certain things, action involving them were, depending on who I had brought along, they would live or die or affect the mission on a serious level. It never happened. Instead, I just kept fighting. Fighting and defending areas in some very intense combat. Enjoyable, but straight-forward. I reached my final run towards the beam in the face of a huge Reaper firing its beam cannons and, surprise, everyone is dead – including my two squadmates. You live, barely, and in a Modern Warfare 3 style moment, hobble towards the beam and get sucked up into the Citadel. There you meet Andersen, who also got into the beam, and the Illusive Man. No matter what you choose to do in the next five or so minutes, you finally get to the end…


You finally get to meet the entity controlling the Citadel. This entity takes the form of a child who is killed in the first portion of the game and haunts Shepard’s dreams. The entity claims it is the Citadel and created the “cycle” system where young races get to flourish and older races are killed off and turned into Reapers who then go lie in wait for another 50,000 years to go by – only to start the process over again. The reason this entity crafted the cycle system is because, given enough time, synthetic life will wipe out all organic life in the galaxy… So it created synthetic Reapers to kill organic life every 50,000 years… Hmmm…


So in order to stop synthetics from killing organics, you create synthetics to kill organics?!?


This is the part where your head should explode like it just got read “the Chewbacca defense”.


Then, you are given three choices: Kill all synthetic life, merge with the synthetic life so that organics and synthetics become as one, or try to control the Reapers and lead them away. All of these lead to the same basic cut-scenes, and there is no happy ending for Shepard (even in one where he seems to have possibly survived in a Crank-style moment). Worse yet, you get no real update on the outcomes of your squad-mates and NPC associations. Additionally, the Mass Relays are blown up in ALL of these choices. This means that, while FTL travel exists, there is no feasible way to jump across the galaxy and visit other planets. Additionally, there is this strange cut-scene of the Normandy getting chased by an energy field and breaking up, only to crash land on a jungle world. Why is this happening to the Normandy? Why are they not fighting Reapers in orbit like the rest of EVERY fleet in the galaxy (I rallied all of them). It just doesn’t make sense. I am so damned confused as to why I invested 40 hours into this experience – not to mention countless hours in the first two games.


Now, before you get all “the GEEK is taking this way to serious” on me, hear me out (and I appreciate your reading this): If Mass Effect 3 were billed as a shooter game or developed by the makers of “Extreme Rodeo”, I could overlook the whole mess of an ending. No problem. But, BioWare has gone to great lengths in touting that Mass Effect is all about player choice and character interaction. And, in large part, the game is! I was very happy with the game until the last twenty minutes or so. It actually feels like it becomes another game. I don’t know if this was an issue with development time or what. It just feels tacked-on and poorly thought out – worse yet, it invalidates all my choices I made over the 40 hours of playtime. I am very disappointed with this.


Here is the next rub…


After doing one of these three endings. Shepard is most-likely dead, Mass Relays destroyed, Normandy crashed and no word on the fate of your friends. You then find yourself back on the ship as if nothing happened. You get some cheesy “don’t forget to drink your Ovaltine” style message about continuing the adventure in multiplayer and DLC. But… Why would I want to do that?!? I know what happens. The character is dead, species cut-off from themselves, and no fricken updated on how my squad-mates turned out after taking so much time to help them through the adventure?!? There is absolutely no reason to spend money on a DLC knowing that there is no hope for the endgame.


Anyhow, thanks for reading my review/rant on this game which, if you shut the computer off right when Shepard makes it to the Beam, is pretty damned good. Just don’t play past that point and pretend that what you are doing matters in the game’s storyline. Make up your own ending – it will be light-years better than what BioWare cooked up for the last ten minutes of the game.





ME3 Producer: "If The Fans Only Knew What We Were Planning..."


Mass Effect 3

+ Mass Effect 3


So if you haven't noticed, the Mass Effect fans are none too happy. There are a few issues of major contention: first, the DLC issue (which has gotten downright ugly), and second, the endings, none of which people seem to like.


Now, there's no doubt the game is amazing. Most every critic and in truth, even most of the complainers, will tell you this. But the endings are really getting people riled up and series producer Mike Gamble has had a rough time on Twitter. The fans have been pretty relentless over the past 48 hours or so, and Gamble just recently updated with:


"Hardest. Day. Ever. Seriously, if you people knew all the stuff we are planning…you’d, we’ll – hold onto your copy of [Mass Effect 3] forever."


But that isn't smoothing things over, as the franchise followers continue to heap criticism atop the game's multiple endings. Many say the endings don't differ enough from each other, while others say player choices don't matter enough. One particularly irate fan, referring to the DLC in question, said- "You know, the one where you charge people $10 for a proper end to your plotless game." ...ouch.


Well, annoyed fans can be tough to deal with. And you know, after completing FFXIII-2, I sort of understand where they're coming from... At any rate, I really think we should at least commend BioWare on producing one hell of a game; I'm not even a fan of the series, and I thought ME3 was pretty damn incredible. Can't we at least be optimists about this? ...please?

Edited by Meluna
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