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A pyro dilemma


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I've specced heavy pyro, and I'm loving it. But now it's time to decide:


Do I want the 4 piece pvp set bonus for 15% rails shot critical OR


a 3 by 2 for the 15% powershot crit.


Now, before you fire off an answer, remember, powershot procs the railshot. I generally open with a pair of power shots before diving deep into the dot, TD, PS, RS combo. This is devastating. I use powershot pretty frequently, but I'm shaving some expertise for it's crit bonus. So I'm curious if anyone else out there has an opinion on the matter.

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Honestly it probably comes down to personal preference... Myself, I would go with the 15% railshot crit. PS requires a cast time which means you're standing still... Seeing how our only major survivability in pvp atm is mobility I personally would go for the increase to RS.
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See, but I cast my PS more often, and it hurts a hell of alot more on targets with cloth armor

aka those pesky sorcs and sages(simply because of the volume of use). Railshot is a proc attack, and it only procs on unload and powershot. I play pretty power shot heavy, because the static attacking is much better. If I need to move, I can move, but the chance to apply the dot with powershot and deal a ton of damage out is really hard to argue with. I'll try the railshot though, as it is the way to roll it

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15% to rail.


pyro is built for rail, not power shot.


power shot is like last in the priority list of things to cast for pyros.


I agree with you about Rail Shot, however, I disagree with you about power shot. Power Shot is vital to pyro. Unload on the other hand, that is low priority. If it doesn't proc Rail it should be immediatly aborted.

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Rail Shot is your hardest hitter and it can get up to 65% Armor Penetration with High Velocity Gas Cylinder.


I use the Rail Shot bonus as full 31 Pyro.


Also don't abort your Unload it deals a significant amount of damage if you let it do its thing.

Edited by Defang
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