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Same Sex Romance Dangers


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Same sex romance in this game is something that I know a lot of people have been (loudly) demanding for a long time. I think some people get so excited about the idea that they do not stop to think if the idea is even realistic. First and foremost, I am not opposed to same sex romance being added to the game. However, I am very worried that it will be added in a way that devalues the characters unique personalities and the very idea of romancing your companions. Namely, that they will simply copy and paste female romance conversation and make it accessable to male players (and vice-versa). For this reason, I am very opposed to same sex romance with companions being added to the game; with a few exceptions that I will detail below.


In the real world, same sex romance is only possible between two people of the same sex who are either homosexual or bisexual. As we all know, there are far more heterosexual people than there are bisexual or homosexual people. With this in mind, the idea of being choose from among multiple companions with whom to pursue a same sex romance is slightly ridiculous to me. Honestly, wouldn't it seem just a little convenient that virtually every companion in the game is suddenly bisexual? For example, Lt. Irresso, Tharran Cedrax, and Nadia Grell have already been introduced as heterosexual characters. It would be condescending and cheap to simply rewrite their dialogue to make them romancable as the same sex.


On the other hand, the sexual orientation of Zenith (to my knowledge at least) has never been revealed. If same sex romance with him were to be made available, it would not retroactively recreate him as it would for other characters. For this reason, I would not be opposed to a same sex romance option being added for Zenith. I am not familiar with every companion from every class, so I cannot speak intelligently as to whether or not there are companions with similar backgrounds as Zenith for classes other than Jedi Consular. But I can say that if the sexual orientation of a companion has already been revealed, they should not suddenly become bisexual in some silly patch.


In my opinion, if you are going to add same sex romance to this game, it should be done carefully and it shouldn't be half-assed just to appease a vocal minority of the fan base. And if that means adding new characters specifically for that purpose, then I believe that is the route they should take. If you want same sex romance in the game, I don't think you should be satisfied with copy and paste either.

Edited by LKaras
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As far as I know, the same sex options are going to be with new companions in further updates, not the current ones.


But even if every companion was bisexual... thats a very small number of people in the universe... maybe the player character only recruits bisexuals? :D

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As far as I know, the same sex options are going to be with new companions in further updates, not the current ones.


But even if every companion was bisexual... thats a very small number of people in the universe... maybe the player character only recruits bisexuals? :D


din't they say at guild sumit that they all ready know whos ss companion?

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Hello there, everyone! We do already have an existing discussion thread dedicated to talking about same sex romance options. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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