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Merc cc and interupt?


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I know, we lack them. After playing this class since beta, and reading these forums since launch, it is known Mercs have less survivability and versatility than out BH counterparts as well as most DPS classes out there. Where Arsenals DPS out put can mitigate this slightly, Pyro holds the short stick. Bodygaurd excluded, our tree could use a tweek to help us with survivability.


Mercs depend on range to survive, yet this game seems to be built heavy around melee and cc. Since we have 1 break snare and 1 pushback 90% of our fights are spent in melee. Good for melee, bad for us. It should be only like 65 - 70% of the fight in melee.


I suggest the following:


1) Concussion Missile be instant cast (much like spec/sage counterparts, and every other non-Merc class,lol)




2) Our shields be buffed (higher % or longer duration or shorter cd) and grant cc immunity during duration.


Not asking for the world. Not asking for both. Just 1.

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