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Warzone MVP... get rid of it


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Anyone that tries and completes the objective of the warzone never gets any MVP votes.

Voidstar: Place a bomb? No objective points.

Defuse a bomb? No objective points.

Defend a bomb being place or defuse the bomb?

No objective points.

Huttball: Cross the goal line with the ball?

No one cares.

Pass the ball and it leads to a score?

Ditto. No one cares.

Connect a sweet pass that leads to a win?

How many people did you kill? Why you only have 1 medal, noob.

Alderaan:Hey, good job capping that node. Sorry you stayed to defend it alone the whole time and no one helped you. Sure, you prob had a few come to try to take it and you didn't let them. Good job, but we were more intested in who can wrack up he most kills at mid. You can't get medals for defense and heals defending a node. All the action is at mid where all the other people that don't care about the objectives congregate.


I thought this last patch was supposed to address these types of things?

Nothing has changed!


It's quite obvious now that bioware is not going to change the warzone stat sheet to reflect who actually contributed to wins.

Just get rid of the MVP votes. Why should someone get a little extra for not even contributing to a win?

You know what ends up happening.

1) vote for guildies/ friends. Even if they did nothing to help win.

2) vote for whoever ignored the objective and did most dps / heals.

It's a nice idea, but this implementation is horrid.

Keep it simple and give extra point to the winning side.

Edited by Tamoe
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Do you read about SWTOR changes? BW is puting a medal valor cap limit on WZs, adding medals to capping huttballs, nodes. You get 1k and 3k defender medals for Civil War. Just leave the node after 1 or 3k and have someone else replace it. Stop whining.
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