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The top 3 things you want added in this game


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1 - cross server warzone ques.


2 - legacy perk that lets me send items cross faction to my toons on the same server.


3 - 2 crafting professions per toon + their gathering skills.

Edited by Anathar
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I am sorry, after the first half dozen replies, I became unable to take this thread seriously.


This is not WoW, and we do not need, nor would the game be improved by, the things they have over there.


1) Flying mounts ruin parts of the game. have you been in WoW now that flying mounts can be used in the main land? People swoop out of the skies to take quest mobs and whatnot, skipping the content the developers put time into making, can gank lower level players from above, and in general can cause neussances while being harder to find because they can be up.


2) Animal Mounts I could maybe get behind, if they're species already in the game. I think though, you would need separate training than what you needed for a speeder, since it's an entirely different skill


3) It is GTN, not an auction. Can you bid on stuff, or just buy it outright? It's not an auction, and seeing you call it that makes you hard to take seriously.


4) To the OP: Chat Bubbles are coming in 1.2!


5) There are several threads proclaiming why WoW style Dungeon finders are a bad idea, however I won't go into that, since I actually support them here, if they have some limits in place to prevent ninjas and people who deliberately queue and leave to jumpstart a group (forget what that was called back in WoW, but basically, some failure of a human would join a friend in the group finder as the tank/healer, wait for the finder to proc, then leave. I think they called it "instant queue" or something).


6) Optional and Earnable crew members outside what we already get is a bad idea. the game is balanced around the set 5, and adding more, especially outside the order you get the ones you have now would break the balance on the GTN for crafting mats, and would break some of the story immersion. You're supposed to be able to get that first companion quest on Nar Shadaa (for Empire) before getting another useful companion. You're supposed to be attached to your crew as a part of your story. If optional crew were added, the quests to get them would always be packed as people had high level members of their guild help them get the companions early in order to have them on the crafting skill missions. Yes, YOU might wait until the right time to get them, but i already see people being powerleveled through the class quests to get another companion before finishing Dromund Kaas. It's not necessary to exacervate that.

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Ok I bite, good idea


  1. More character customization: more body/features choices, gear dyes, appearance tabs
  2. Free roaming 3D multiplayer space combat based on X-Wing vs Tie Figher.
  3. UI addons and reskins

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1. Nameplates or some other way to be able to click on other people more easily. I get so sick of trying to click on someone to, for example, heal them while they're running around like chickens with their head cut off. Yes I could click the tiny raid frame with their name on it, but sometimes they don't even show up on that interface, especially in Warzones.


2. More Player Races to choose from along with a wider variety of customization options.


3. Perhaps more planets to choose from while leveling....the current ones are great, but they get really stale at around the third character to go through them.

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