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possible to play a somewhat cruel narcissist?


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I've been thinking to roll a character on a different server. Jedi Knight is the only class I haven't played at all yet, but I was thinking it might be sort of fun to play an "alternate universe" version of my Sith Warrior. Kind of a "what if he'd been recruited by the Jedi instead of the Sith?"


The character's defining trait is basically his narcissism. He's not cartoonishly evil, but he can be cruel just as a result of his sort of emotional detachment from other human beings. On the Sith side, he has actually turned out to be thoroughly grey--he makes a lot of light side decisions largely as the result of simply not caring. Anyway, just curious as to whether or not it would be possible to shoehorn a personality like this into the Jedi Knight storyline.


Any thoughts?

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Well i think thise choises are pretty funny. While the lightside choises have the problem of being extremely forgiving and have to tolerate just about any sort of evil.


The darkside choises have the problem of giving you borderline psycothic options.


Sometimes even the good and decent thing is the darkside option. So i can see the developer have had lots of fun semi pushing the players around with the light, dark rewards.

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I've gotten to around the end of the Tython arc with my dark-side leaning Knight. To this point, I've been making almost exclusively dark side options as a result of the fact that my character is an inveterate opportunist, so he ends up squeezing a lot of characters for rewards, etc. I kind of don't want to do exclusively dark side options, so I've put myself through some logical contortions to explain why he wouldn't just be blatantly evil all the time. I mean, he isn't evil, really. He just understands that he has power over others and thinks he should be rewarded for his time and...occasionally, his mercy.


I actually kind of like the options available (especially because almost none of it is becoming of a Jedi Knight, and I didn't really expect to be able to play this way), but at this rate, I'll be dark V before I know it.

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