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Server merger > character transfers


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Servers are getting smaller. More threads about people leaving. People have to understand that until 1.2 comes out BW isn't going to offer anything(char transfers or server merger wise). They want to get a realistic idea of how many people they are going to have on a consistent basis. I do think when they get the server amount fixed. Everyone that hung in there will be rewarded hugely. I have faith they will be putting out new content every month to every other month. While what I witnessed with wow was maybe twice a year. Every other month is still such a huge amount of new content.


I enjoy my small server on kinrath spider. While I would love to have a larger population on the server I play. It would suck to lose all the friends/rivals I have made on my time on the server. I really enjoy being able to see familiar faces and know the people i play with. I hope that some type of server merge will be used instead of allowing char transfers. I would not be against allowing char. transfers after server merging. But i really worry it will kill some servers still while making a few over populated.

Edited by mikedee
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Didn't renew so sub is going to run out next month. Just feel like this is a single player game with a few other players running about like bots on the republic side. Now yes, I could roll a sorc or BH and then never have to worry about finding stuff on the AH or winning almost all warzones but that wasn't the point of the game. Some of us wanted to be against the "evil" empire but bioware didn't force a balance of classes on the PVP servers so Illum was a joke from the beginning where it had to be taken out completly for a redesign. The simple solution would be to merge only the republic side on PVP servers that are horribly outnumbered to other servers and also allow cross realm/ranked warzones to alleviate the huge inbalance of overpowered players always outclassing/outgearing republic players.
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Ah yes... the "unbalanced PvP population" problem.


You realize that forcing 'balance' won't work, right? This same thing happened in WoW.


It's called a Positive Reinforcement Collapse, and it works like this:


You've two sides to a conflict, and at the beginning, they are at least close to equal. However, over time one side gains an advantage. This means that the side with the numbers advantage begins to consistently win PvP matches.


At this point, people on the LOSING side find ways to either A) switch to the winning side, further unbalancing it, or B) leaving for another server where their faction has an advantage, further unbalancing THAT server, and leaving a gap where there once was a PvP character. The imbalance grows, until the server is completely dominated by one faction.


At that point, all the PvP'ers left on the server begin to whine about 'imbalance'. Reference the OP's post.




An example of a Negative Reinforcement Equilibrium (which auto-balances itself) works like this:


People on the WINNING side are, either by choice or force, moved to the LOSING side. This causes any advantage caused by imbalance to be corrected. Either the losing side then begins to win, asserting the balance, or the winning side continues to be handicapped by attrition until both sides win equally. This scenario pisses off the players (they have no choice as to which side they play) but also ensures a fair and balanced PvP system.


Now... should Bioware implement this? No. It'd be extremely invasive.


However, they could encourage players to roll on the losing side, perhaps by increasing Valor rewards for matches for that faction, or by reducing the cost of PvP gear commensurate to the win/loss ratio. I'm sure people would scream and shout "unfair" but by nature of PvP, there is no "fair" way to do things.


As for server merges... it's only a stopgap. Eventually the factions will be unbalanced, and PvP will spiral into single-faction dominance, and the cycle starts all over again.

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My server (Tarro Blood) seems to be doing pretty good overall. With that said though, I do understand a need to merge servers with lower populations and BW should consider some measure to help those players. Trasnfers are a great method or merging two or three lower populations together.


In pvp, warzones are running pretty regularly and now those that did not use the kill trading on Ilum, are just going to work on catching up to all the Battlemaster's out there. I wish we had more open world pvp, but it seems there is no interest because you get no reward. I say eh to that. lol Why does EVERYTHING have to have a reward? :D

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Hello Everyone,


The discussion of a request for server merges is popular on the forums. We currently have an active thread discussing this topic here: When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


If you are interested in the discussion of character transfers please use this thread: Free transfers in the future?


We are closing this thread to consolidate conversation on these topics. Thanks for your understanding!

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