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Leveling Vengeance - abilities to use?


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I am leveling Vengeance - all the guides I read for DPS skill priority include most of the higher level skills. What should my priority be for levels 10-30? I am trying to build some muscle memory and want to get used to using the skills I'll need later, but I think I need some fillers for now - any advice?
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I've only got a level 20 vengeance juggernaut, but here is what I find works.


Force Charge > Sundering Assault > Force Scream > Vicious Slash > Smash > Sundering Assault > Ravage > Sundering Assault > etc


Basically I prefer Force Scream > Smash > the other finisher where you just slice them (sorry, forget name) because it does more damage assuming you used the skill points for improved smash, not to mention its AOE. You have to make sure you stack Sundering Assault to increase all further damage.

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